Chapter 1221 Happy When You Win

He boasted that his tactics just now were not bad, but his mind was even better.

After luring him to attack, he used unexpected tricks to neutralize his thousands of fireballs, and Cang Molian's target was the small fish in the river from the beginning to the end.

Cang Molian's fire magic is very powerful, even if she discovered his idea early, she might not be able to resist it.

This completely overwhelming victory is really... shameful.

Looking at a small fish jumping happily on the ground, Wei Nanzi's head became even more dizzy.

"Your fire magic is good, and there is still room for development." Cang Molian turned sideways, her calm eyes seemed to gather countless bright lights in the world, and at this moment they became bright and moving.

Is this the performance of giving someone a fist and a date?

Or perhaps a demonstration of the victors?

Wei Nanzi frowned, but his self-cultivation was extremely good, he said: "Thank you."

Looking at everything that happened in the video, there were obviously more traces of laughter in Mu Lao's eyes than yesterday.

I won, a landslide victory, can you not be happy?

Mr. Lin was surprised by Cang Molian's magical transformation, but he came to his senses in an instant. He said, "Old Mu, your student is really good. He can even use magic transformation as a difficult skill. Become a dragon, transform into a phoenix, what else can I transform into?"

As expected of a person who can refine medicine, he can play fire magic so easily.

A strong enemy, really a big strong enemy.

"This..." Mu Lao's face changed, and his eyes showed a little bit of wandering, "Cang Molian is not good at communication, and as a teacher, I don't know what else his magic can turn into."

If he knew, he would have gone bragging a long time ago.

But I just don't know...

Mr. Lin looked into his eyes and saw that his expression was erratic and full of embarrassment, so he knew that he was not lying, "I understand this feeling, and a few of my students are also like this. I don't know how strong they are."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Baili Qinxue.

Mr. Mu stroked his beard and sighed, "Hey, the young people nowadays are getting more and more powerful, and we are also getting old..."

With a flick of his sleeves, the two standing between the mountains and rivers were teleported back.

"Xiao Molian, thanks to you, our East County College won [-] points, breaking the situation of losing in the past few days, and finally won a game. Congratulations, congratulations." Qin Ge smiled. It patted Cang Molian on the shoulder directly.

Cang Molian glanced over, looked at the hand on her shoulder, and frowned.

People who use their hands and feet are the most annoying.

Qin Ge didn't care at all and continued to hang on.

Cang Molian withdrew her gaze and continued to be a quiet little fairy.

"I lost..." Wei Nanzi tilted his head, just happened to see people from Dongjun College celebrating, and felt a little uncomfortable.

Mu Liu slapped him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there will always be winners and losers in the competition, and he is Cang Molian. If I face him, I may not win."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows slightly.

Even Mu Liu said that, Cang Molian is really interesting...

Dugu Sheng half-closed his eyes, paused for a moment on Cang Molian, and then quickly retracted them.

"There's nothing to be sad about, just win it back next time." Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, gently hooked his fingers around Baili Qinxue's little finger, and immediately smiled like a sneaky cat.

Baili Qinxue was startled, and smiled helplessly.

This bastard...


(End of this chapter)

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