Chapter 1224 A Place Like a Haunted House
"It's possible, but it's just a guess. I'll try you later to be more careful." Baili Qinxue reminded her, and her eyes turned elsewhere.

Wind Blade nodded in agreement.

This time, with the boss behind them, their trick will definitely not succeed.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyes to look at Mu Lao, wondering what kind of crazy idea he would come up with today.

Is it possible to really go hunting?

Mu Lao rested his chin on his hand, and under the eager little eyes of the students, he finally said: "Let's play hide-and-seek today, as usual, you send a person, and I will teleport you to the competition location. You have to hide it well, there are many traps in the place of the competition..."

He even played hide and seek.

Baili Qinxue laughed, she really couldn't keep up with Mu Lao's imagination.

Mr. Mu stroked his beard and continued to smile: "At that time, whoever is found first will lose, and the winner will get ten points. You all need to work hard."

After Mu Lao's words fell, the contestants started whispering.

Who should I send when playing hide and seek?
It feels good without technical content.

But this is a competition that Mu Lao thought up, and he said that there will be many traps, so it must not be as simple as it appears on the surface.

Qin Ge and the others had already sent the white scorpion out.

"Hi..." Bai Scorpion was still drinking with the wine gourd, and was still hiccupping.

Baili Qinxue clasped her arms around her chest, her eyes lingering on Feng Ren, "Let Feng Ren go for this competition, I feel that the two of them have very compatible personalities, maybe they can become friends or something."

A drunkard and a pervert are really good matches.

"I match him well?" Feng Ren turned to look at Bai Scorpion. He wanted to say something, but when he thought of being able to compete, he could swallow any grievances.

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

Mu Lao shook his sleeves and teleported them to the competition place.

After a while, a big house that looked like a haunted house appeared in front of them. The house was dilapidated, the old wooden door creaked in the wind, and there were many cobwebs condensed on the door frame.

Inside the wooden door is a dark and secluded path, and the wind blows from time to time, making the sound of "whimpering" and howling ghosts and wolves. Occasionally, there is a strange green light shining inside the house.

The white scorpion swallowed, this is where they play hide-and-seek, it won't be haunted, right?
Fortunately, he drank some wine to strengthen his courage.

The person who competed with him wouldn't be scared to death, he turned his head to look at the wind blade, and it turned out...

He froze in place, the corners of his mouth still twitching.

"You are not afraid?"

Feng Ren stuck out his tongue, laughed loudly and said: "Ahaha, the dark place is really fun, I like it, I like it, are you afraid?"

He turned his head sideways, and when his neck turned, the joints made a "creaking" sound, and then his eyeballs were rounded, and there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

The white scorpion took a step back in fright, the look in his eyes was like an evil spirit staring at delicious human flesh, it was frightening.

"Hi... I'm not afraid." Bai Xie glared at him, and the smell of alcohol dissipated a lot.

"If you're not afraid, then go in, let's play hide-and-seek together." Feng Ren grinned and continued to laugh.

Weird, scarier than ghosts.

Why did he have such a perverted character, Bai Xie took another sip of wine to strengthen his courage.

The two of them walked into the house at the same time, and in an instant, a gust of dark wind blew in from the collar of their collars and poured directly into the soles of their feet. White Scorpion shook his hand holding the wine gourd. Could this place be really haunted?
"Ah ha ha, what a great place, interesting..." Feng Ren smiled distortedly, he was even scarier than ghosts.


(End of this chapter)

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