Chapter 1233
No wonder, just now when Mu Liu was running, there was a momentary pause.

It turned out that it was the monster who made a mess.

Baili Qinxue looked at the bloodstain on his chest, her eyes could not help but sink, "You should take the elixir first, the bloodstain is quite deep, and it is bleeding now."

After swallowing the elixir, Mu Liu felt much more comfortable.

"Miss Axue, what do you think? Could it be that Dongjun College didn't like our winning streak, so they came up with such a sinister method?" Mu Liu put on a serious face, with sharp eyes flashing.

Baili Qinxue looked at him fixedly, her deep eyes flashed coldly, "Do you still remember the matter about the four thieves and the banned drugs? There are not only Mr. Lin, Master Jiayin, but also a Donghuai among them." Where is the tutor at the county college..."

She didn't say it clearly, but the smart Mu Liu suddenly realized.

"That mentor, wants to use the method of dealing with the four thieves to crush us?" Mu Liu frowned, and there was a touch of coldness in her gorgeous eyes.

"Well, we need to take more precautions, but there is no evidence, so we can only calm down and not startle the snake." Baili Qinxue and the others said rationally.

Mu Liu is a businessman and a rational person.

"I understand that when the time comes, we will also help to find evidence."

"Definitely." Baili Qinxue passed Mu Liu, looked at Xuanyuan Po on the other side, and said, "When the time comes, you can talk to them and let them have a clear idea."

"Understood, I'll talk to them right away." Mu Liu ran over and said calmly.

Dugu Sheng glanced at them, and said with a smile: "Axue, we are at 51 points at the moment, and they are at [-] points. This [-]-point gap will basically equalize in another competition."

Baili Qinxue clenched her fists and let out a laugh, "That's right, the instructor in the next competition will definitely not let us get a single point. Although he really wants to stop it, but thinking that we can't startle the snake, we can only take it easy for a while." , let's think of a good plan first, how to sneak into the pharmacist union?"

She turned her neck and cast her eyes on Cang Molian.

The quiet person is really like a fairy.

Fairy Cangmolian, I really want to join your alchemist guild...

Maybe it was because her thoughts were too strong, that Fairy Cangmolian turned her head and looked at her again.

Is this peeking and being caught?

Baili Qinxue's face was open, without any hint of guilt.

After Cang Molian glanced at it, she withdrew her gaze.

"Axue, he is only outstanding in the Alchemist Guild. If there is anything interesting about him, just look at me." Dugu Sheng tugged at the hem of her clothes, smiling prettily.

Baili Qinxue: "..."

He has nothing to look at, just a flirt who likes to wear red clothes.

As night falls, all the easy competitions have been completed, and the next one should be more intense.

Baili Qinxue thought in her heart, when the night was dark, she went to the space to practice again.

Early the next morning, the truly exciting competition finally kicked off.

Mr. Mu was sitting in a high position with a beaming face, presumably it was because the score gap was getting shorter and shorter.The sun gradually rose from the horizon, and in an instant, the dazzling light raged.

He smiled, and finally said: "Today, let's do something exciting, like refining medicine."

As soon as this remark came out, the students were in an uproar.

You can watch the medicine refining competition, then you can see Cang Molian's heroic posture when refining medicine again, it's great.


(End of this chapter)

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