Chapter 1246 Keep it, collect it

What should she say?

Could it be that you directly said that you bought it from someone else?

No, no, that herb is not ordinary, Cang Molian will definitely ask where she bought it from, and if she talks nonsense, she is afraid that Cang Molian will go to buy it, and it will definitely be ruined by then.

Said to be space well water?

She will definitely be captured as a monster.

"I water it with underground well water." Baili Qinxue put the cup down, opened her eyes and said nonsense, "The well water is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is very good for watering medicinal herbs. I don't know what water President Cang uses ?”

Cang Molian looked leisurely, "I used ordinary river water."

Could it be that it is because of the well water that her medicinal herbs are so lush and huge?

Well, dig a well in the union another day.

"Thank you, Miss Baili, for telling me." Cang Molian thanked her sincerely.

"No need." Baili Qinxue clasped her teacup tightly, her face was calm, but her heart was turbulent and tumbling non-stop.

This is a lie, and it is really a guilty conscience to exchange such a sincere thank you.

"Little Molian, what kind of herb is it? Show me it. I'm curious." Qin Ge rested his chin and looked at Cang Molian with a smile.

Cang Molian looked indifferent, but still took out those few herbs and put them on the table.

Qin Ge looked sideways, and was startled by the herbs on the table.

Although those herbs have been picked, they still look very green and energetic, just like fairy grass, people can't help but be impressed by the greenery.

Sure enough, it was better than the Cang Mo Lian planted.

No wonder, he would ask so directly, if it was his own words, he would definitely ask.

"It's really a good herb." Qin Ge asked with a smile: "Why don't you use it, Xiao Molian, the elixir made from this herb must be very good."

Cang Molian glanced at him, and put the herbs into the space calmly, "Keep it, collect it."

Qin Ge laughed a few times, not knowing what to say.

Baili Qinxue's fingers trembled, and the liquid in the cup also shook.

This Cang Molian is really humorous, she even said to keep it, if it continues to be kept, the herb may wither.

"Your flame is very good." Cang Molian turned her head and said again: "Pure and without impurities, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful flame."

His eyes were dark, still calm.

Baili Qinxue played with her long hair on her shoulders. Her flame was naturally good, because it was a divine fire. Could there be any reason for a divine fire?

"Maybe it's because I often practice fire magic..." Baili Qinxue rolled her eyes and said, "President Cang's fire magic is also very good, and he can turn into a fire phoenix and a dragon. Eye-opening."

"Just practice more." Cang Molian said sincerely.He just practiced and then figured it out.

That kind of skill is not something ordinary people can figure out, it depends entirely on talent.

Fairy Cangmolian really does not eat fireworks in the world.

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.

Chu Yuedao and the others were playing with teacups in boredom, it was so boring, and listening to them talk was really boring.

Just words without content.

Cang Molian was silent for a long time, and finally got to the point, "Miss Baili, I want to discuss with you about refining medicine."

"Okay, what would President Cang want to discuss?" Baili Qinxue cast her gaze over with clear eyes.

Cang Molian was silent, and said after a long while: "You can make a pot of elixir together first."

After hearing this, Chu Yuedao was refreshed, and could see the two perverts making medicine again.

Haha, I'm so happy.


(End of this chapter)

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