Chapter 1251 Rich expressions?
Qin Ge just smiled and said nothing.

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Baili Qinxue slowly opened the alchemy furnace.

In an instant, a wisp of smoke wafted out from the alchemy furnace, and immediately after that, traces of strong fragrance also wafted out. The medicinal fragrance was pleasant, and it smelled so good.

At this time, the commotion outside became louder and louder.

"What kind of smell is this? It smells so good."

"Idiot, this is a medicinal scent, and it's even stronger than before. It smells so good."

That familiar voice also came over, "I feel refreshed, all fatigue is gone, it's amazing..."


It was the group of little devils outside the door again.

Baili Qinxue smiled lowly, and calmly took out the Xiao Huan Dan from the alchemy furnace.

One, two, three... Five small red pills are neatly placed on the tray, and the five round little things become more and more crystal clear under the light. If you look carefully, you can see the lines inside through the pills.

Cang Molian's eyes flashed.

Sure enough, the medicinal herb got better, the pill furnace got better, and the pill she made was extraordinary...

He took a deep breath, and when he looked over again, he couldn't help but stare blankly.

If he was not mistaken, among the five pills, there was one pill with a quality of [-]. He suddenly widened his eyes, and the calmness of the past few days quietly disappeared into nothingness.

He has been studying medicine refining since he was a child, but he has never been able to refine a [-]-quality elixir.

But today, someone can refine a elixir with a quality of one hundred.

Cang Molian's fingertips trembled, as if there was a huge wave in her eyes.

"The quality is one hundred, how did you do it?" The clear voice was somewhat unusual.

Baili Qinxue lowered her eyes, looking lightly at the pills on the tray.

Facing such a powerful enemy, she couldn't help but be serious, but the consequences of being serious were really distressing.

She pursed her lips, laughed softly, her eyes were full of calmness, "I have never slacked off in studying the art of refining medicine since I was a child. It can be said that I have become obsessed with refining medicine, so hard work will definitely pay off. I'm not saying that Chairman Cang's hard work is not enough, but that my luck is better."

She was right, and she put it all down to luck.

However, Cang Molian would not be so stupid, he could see how powerful she was, if it was luck, it would be great.

"Very good luck." Cang Molian pursed her lips, and ripples flickered in her eyes.

Chu Yuedao and Bai Xie were scared to death.

Five of them, and one of them turned out to be of one hundred quality.

Speaking of which, she compared their President Cang? too unbelievable.

"Oh my god, who is this young lady? It's the first time I've seen President Cang have such a rich expression on his face." Yun Shen muttered to himself.

Not only is her strength shocking, but it can also cause cracks on Cang Molian's face that has not changed for thousands of years. This young lady is really amazing.

Yun Shen held his face in his hands, staring at the stars.

Qin Ge's eyes drifted away, and it took a while for him to come to his senses. This is really...

He could guess that Baili Qinxue could refine five elixirs, but he really didn't expect to be able to refine a [-]-quality elixir, and he always felt that she still had some strength that had not been brought into play.

It was a weird, scary feeling.

Qin Ge inhaled and exhaled, smiled after a long time, and stretched out his hand to Chu Yuedao and the others, "Xiao Yuedao, little scorpion each has 20 gold coins, which means 40 gold coins, hand them over."


(End of this chapter)

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