Chapter 1255 That's the way! !
He paused, and said: "I heard from the brothers that the basement of the trade union is an extremely dirty place. That place is for people who have made mistakes. Once they step into it, they have to work hard to atone for their sins. They will never turn over. The girl is still Don't ask, I think that place is unlucky."

She didn't feel so unlucky.

She blinked her eyes, and her calm appearance made it impossible to see any flaws, "It is such an unlucky place, and you have to work hard to atone for your sins. Master Kayin must regret it."

Lin Jiu pouted, and his expression became a little gloomy, "I also have great respect for Master Jiayin, but I didn't expect him to be such a person, so I am so disappointed."

Just as he was talking, there were several disciples carrying several large wooden barrels not far away.

The fragrance of the food wafted out of the wooden barrel. Although the aroma was tangy, the food and rice mixed together looked like pig food.

And, who the hell wants to eat so many meals?
It must not be eaten by trade union disciples.

Then it is...

Baili Qinxue rolled her eyeballs, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she secretly took note of where her disciples were going.

"Who is the food in the barrel for?" Baili Qinxue suppressed her smile and asked casually.

Oh those meals...

Lin Jiu looked at the figures of his disciples going away, raised his head and smiled at Baili Qinxue: "Those meals are for the sinners in the basement, the president is kind, and the meals for them are all fresh."

If it were an ordinary local rich man, he would definitely give them some rotten food.

She guessed right, those meals were indeed delivered to the people in the basement.

Baili Qinxue looked in that direction, and smiled calmly, with crystal light in her eyes.

Lin Jiu didn't know what she was thinking at all, tugged at the hem of her clothes and said, "Girl, let me take you to another place to have a look, our trade union still has many beautiful places."

It's really bad luck to talk about the basement all the time, and the brothers don't like to talk about the basement.

After all, they knew each other, and Baili Qinxue didn't mind the brat pulling her clothes. She nodded in agreement, and the coldness in her eyes softened a little.

Lin Jiu raised her eyes, daring to face Baili Qinxue for the first time.

Not to mention, this girl is really good-looking, she didn't wear any makeup at all, her face is so white and translucent, her pair of water-colored contact lenses are like cold waves, but she still has a smile on her face, that kind of cool and noble temperament, It is also available to ordinary women.

So powerful.

Moreover, this girl is still fragrant.

This scent is so seductive and familiar, and the outline of this girl's face also looks familiar...

Lin Jiu was depressed, he had never seen this girl before.

And it's so beautiful, you can definitely recognize it at first sight, it's so strange...

Lin Jiu walked in front and showed her around.

Baili Qinxue couldn't see Lin Jiu's expression, and didn't know the entanglement in his heart.

The pharmacist guild has a beautiful scenery, but Baili Qinxue still thinks that the pictures of those disciples busy are more attractive. Hard work and hard work in refining medicine have become a unique landscape.

Lin Jiu was about to take her elsewhere when a disciple ran over.

"Miss Baili, the president told you to go to the main hall."

Cang Molian told her to go back, is there something urgent?

Or, they have already found out that she is planning to play with Master Kayin?

Baili Qinxue was thinking a lot, but there was not much emotion on her face, "Brother Lin Jiu, thank you for showing me around today, I'm going back to the main hall first, you can go back to refining medicine too."


(End of this chapter)

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