Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1258 Damn, who knows how to refine weapons?

Chapter 1258 Damn, who knows how to refine weapons?
Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, his eyes were slightly stained with a touch of coldness, but it quickly dissipated, he stretched out his hand, grabbed the corner of Baili Qinxue's clothes, and acted coquettishly.

"Sister, take me to eat, I'm very hungry."

The wet eyes were shining brightly, and the full lips were pursed. Baili Qinxue knew that he was pretending, but she didn't know why her heart was beating uneasy.

A blush couldn't help but climbed up her cheeks, and the roots of her ears also turned red.

Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, she must have been attracted by the scenery because of the good scenery around her.

But these scenery seem to be inferior to his beauty...

Facing his half-smile eyes, Baili Qinxue coughed lightly, and said domineeringly: "Let go, I'll take you to eat, otherwise, you'll be hungry."

Dugu Sheng let go, still smiling hippie.

The rosy clouds enveloped them, gradually elongating their figures.

Day two.

The mainland ushered in the first autumn rain.

Qiu Yu swept the entire Moon City with Han Ze, but the college battle was not delayed.

Mu Lao set up a barrier inside and outside the battlefield, the barrier blocked the autumn rain, but he could still enjoy the continuous rain, so beautiful, as if forming a transparent water world.

The students were pleasantly surprised, chattering and making noise.

Currently, Xiling College has 61 points, and East County College has [-] points. I don't know if East County College can break the deadlock and come from behind.

Or is it that Xiling College will remain invincible until the end of the battle?
The students swallowed their saliva, full of anticipation.

"Yesterday we competed in refining medicine, and today we will compete in refining weapons." Mu Lao smiled, looking forward to whether there will be a genius who is very good at refining weapons in Xiling College.

He didn't want to try some kind of weapon refining competition at first, but he couldn't help but look forward to it after Instructor He Lan said so.

Baili Qinxue and the others were a little confused.

Let's not talk about the previous easy competition, but they haven't heard that there will be a weapon refining competition this year.

What's more, the only one who knows how to forge weapons and is very good... is sitting outside the arena with a stinky bear in his arms.

Baili Qinxue looked at Lin Wanwan subconsciously, and saw that her eyes were dead, and there seemed to be some traces of confusion.

"It's actually better than refining..." Mu Liu's eyes widened, "I haven't heard of it."

Baili Qinxue quickly regained her composure, "Maybe it was added temporarily..."

Teacher He Lan's sinister little face said everything, and Mr. Lin must have told him.

However, even if Lin Wanwan is taken as a precaution, she only knows water magic and is very weak. If she fights alone, she will definitely be instantly killed.

This kind of partial genius is the scariest...

There are gains and losses, and if you want to win the solo duel, you must give up this weapon refining competition.

Feng Ren frowned, and glared at Instructor He Lan calmly, "It must be that guy who messed up."

Wei Nanzi frowned.

"Since you know it, keep it in your heart, don't tell it." Dugu Sheng played with his fingertips, smiled and his face remained unchanged.

Xuanyuan Po's eyes were clear, "Who will appear?"

None of them know how to refine weapons, could it be that they abstained?
It's too embarrassing to abstain.

"Do you want to abstain?" Mu Liu frowned slightly and blinked her eyes.

Baili Qinxue held her chin and analyzed: "Abstaining under the watchful eyes of the public will lose face, but if you can't refine something under the watchful eyes of the public, it seems to be even more embarrassing, but if you can refine it, it's okay to lose."

Even if he loses, he can still slap Elder Lin in the face severely to declare that there are still some among them who know how to refine weapons. Don't think you know everything.


(End of this chapter)

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