Chapter 1262 Miracle?

The faint panic deep in his eyes could not escape her eyes.

It turned out that he also panicked sometimes.

Baili Qinxue unconsciously raised the corners of her lips, appreciating this rare expression with wicked eyes.

Compared to the panic of others, she was extremely calm.

"It actually split..." Dugu Sheng was stunned for a moment looking at the big knife under his hand, and he subconsciously looked at Baili Qinxue.

I saw her laughing, and she laughed so narrowly.

What a wicked girl.

Dugu Sheng raised her lips, her smile was like a reassuring agent, making him feel at ease physically and mentally.

His subordinates kept moving, and continued to pick up the small hammer to strike the shattered broadsword.

"It's already shattered, why is he still knocking?" Chu Yuedao pointed out, feeling a little unbelievable.

Qin Ge held his chin and thought, "Maybe, I have already thought of a remedy."

Bai Xie put down the wine gourd, eyes puzzled, "It broke during the refining process, can it be repaired?"

Qin Ge was taken aback, and it was rare for him to show embarrassment, "I don't know if you don't know how to refine weapons, do you know, Xiao Molian?"

Cang Molian glanced lightly, and said after a long time: "I only like refining medicine..."

The guy who became obsessed with refining medicine... Qin Ge sneered, and soon fell silent.

Dugu Sheng automatically blocked all doubts from the outside world, and he waved a small hammer.

A hammer, never let up.

His eyes seemed to be filled with the brightest ray of light, shining like sound beads, immortal.

"Stupid girl, is there any way to remedy the broken refining?" Zhao Yu's heart was beating like thunder, and he couldn't wait to ask at the top of his voice.

"Well, you ask me?" Lin Wanwan bit his finger, eyes full of confusion, "I don't know, after all, I have never been refined."

Zhao Yu: "..."

He really doesn't understand the world of geniuses.

Lin Wanwan played with the stinky bear's fat paws, and continued: "However, the little chicken legs are so capable now, so they should be able to think of some remedy."

"Open your eyes and talk big." Liu Cheng sneered, her voice loud enough.

Zhao Yu and the others just glanced at each other and didn't take these words to heart.

Liu Cheng felt that something was wrong, shouldn't they blow up their hair now, and then fight with jealousy and thick necks?
She rolled her eyes and said sarcastically: "I thought that the person from the inferior class could really forge a weapon, but I didn't expect that it was just for show. Tsk tsk tsk, that big knife was smashed just after it was formed, and it's still there. What a great skill..."

Xilanlu tugged at the corner of Liu Cheng's clothes, motioning her to say less.

"Xiao Cheng, it's good to keep some words in your heart, but don't say them in person..."

Liu Cheng glanced at her, unwilling to let her go, "I'm going to say, that scumbag from the second-class class will definitely not be able to make any weapons, so it's better to abstain as soon as possible to avoid embarrassment."

Xilanlu had curly hair and said nothing.

A group of gossiping women, listening to them nagging every day, it's so annoying.Xi Lanming raised his sword eyebrows, his face was a little unsightly.

"Cough cough cough..."

He coughed a few times, signaling Liu Cheng to say less.

Liu Cheng pretended not to hear, talking to herself.


There were bursts of crisp knocking sounds, which seemed to be different from the one just now.

Immediately afterwards, someone screamed.

Liu Cheng lowered her eyes subconsciously, and saw that the originally shattered broadsword had fused together, and no trace of shattering could be seen. It was tight and smooth, as if the shattering just now was just a dream.

Is this a dream, or a miracle?

(End of this chapter)

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