Chapter 1268 Weinanzi vs Yunshen
It's finally time for a big meal, and the contestants have to show their strength.

Mu Lao stroked his beard, looking extremely excited.

Instructor He Lan beside him smiled viciously, his eyes flickered with a gloomy shattered light, the people of Xiling College were finished, and there was no way to get another point.

The two teams are discussing who should play in the first game.

The people from East County College did not select the right person at the first time, apparently waiting for them to make a decision before making a judgment.

Bailiqin Xueben also had the same thoughts.

Seeing that they were still moving, she didn't move either.

The people of East County College may not be able to bear it anymore, and finally made a decision.

The person they sent was Yun Shen, the little carrot head who is very good at archery.

Baili Qinxue held her chin, already having an idea in her heart.

"Let Wei Nanzi play."

Wei Nanzi is a magician with two elements of fire and water. The water element can block the flying arrow feathers, and the fire element can attack. It is simply the most perfect combination.

The others nodded and had no opinion.

Wei Nanzi glanced at Baili Qinxue gratefully, it was great to let him play first.

He lost last time, and he must win back today.

He clenched his fists, frowned and jumped onto the ring.

Yun Shen swallowed his saliva, this big brother looked unhappy, so scary.

Why not Miss Sister, he wants to compete with Miss Sister in archery.

He looked at Baili Qinxue, his eyes were full of regret, "Miss sister, I really want to compete with you in archery, err..."

"Next time you have a chance, you can compete. Today you have a good competition." Baili Qinxue smiled.She just wants to compete with Ye Qianqiu, the summoner is very concerned.

Yun Shen withdrew his gaze, but he didn't know the words that filled him with fighting spirit.

"Brother, let's get started."

After all, his hand was the same, and a bow and arrow appeared in his hand.

With so many weapons, he likes bows and arrows.

The feeling of archery is the best. With a few swishes, you can shoot people.

Wei Nanzi lowered his eyes, it was a blue bow and arrow, it was still transparent, with patterns engraved on it, it looked very tall, he retracted his gaze, and took out the staff in the space.

On the top of the staff is engraved the shape of a red lotus, which was modified by Lin Wanwan for him, and it is very powerful.

"Ding Ding" "Bang Bang"

Flame and arrow feathers intertwine.

In the blink of an eye, they started fighting and got entangled together.

The flames are gorgeous and gorgeous.

The bows and arrows are dense, like rain.

Oh my god, this cool scene makes one's blood boil.

The students screamed and cheered, as if they were the two fighting on the field.

Yun Shen ran around the field quickly, drawing his bow and shooting arrows constantly, but he didn't expect this big brother with an unfriendly face to be really difficult to deal with.

His flames were too hot, directly making him sweat.

He couldn't go on like this anymore, he had to think of a way, he kept running, and went directly behind Wei Nanzi, he drew the bow and arrow, and directly charged the arrow feathers.

In an instant, the arrow feathers seemed to be dyed with a layer of holy light, beautiful and full of power.

The students exclaimed.

Oh my god, Yun Shen is about to start amplifying his moves, and Wei Nanzi is about to die.


The arrow feathers filled with light flew out, but Wei Nanzi turned sideways as if he had eyes on his back.

Yun Shen was not afraid at all, and said very confidently: "Big brother, your fire magic is offensive magic, and it can't stop my arrow feathers at all."

Wei Nanzi frowned, and directly built a water barrier.


(End of this chapter)

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