Chapter 1272 The Formation Called Dark World
Seeing his sloppy attitude, Qin Ge couldn't help feeling annoyed.

Today, let him see his true strength.

He remained calm, his fingertips kept flickering, and in an instant...

A majestic light and shadow rises from Dugu Sheng's feet. Under the light and shadow, there is a totem engraved with strange characters. The light and shadow are dark, as if Dugu Sheng is trapped in a dark space.

Dugu Sheng felt surprised and stood aside without dodging.

This formation looks pretty good.

The color is so dark, as if trapped in a boundless dark world, for some reason, he actually felt a little wonderful, haha ​​interesting.

"This formation is not bad, how did you come up with it?" Dugu Sheng asked with a smile.

Qin Ge raised his lips, but he didn't dare to let go, he smiled and said: "This is the formation I researched before, but I still feel unsatisfied. I think it was the encouragement you gave me a few days ago, which gave me a flash of inspiration , The improved countermeasures that I just thought of, which is what you see now, I call it the dark world."

Dark world?

It really deserves the ugly name.

Dugu Sheng folded his arms around his chest and quietly looked around the formation, but he still didn't move.

"Old Mu, we're stuck, how should we judge?" Instructor He Lan asked.

"It's not yet time for judgment, what if this young man can crack it?" Mr. Mu stroked his beard, always thinking that this young man would bring surprises.

Instructor He Lan was persistent, "If we don't crack it all night, we will have to wait all night."

He seemed in a hurry.Elder Mu gave him a strange look, and said, "No."

"That's it?" Chang Lin asked this time.

Mr. Mu asked his disciples to prepare a stick of incense and an incense burner.

The incense is lit, and smoke curls out.

Elder Mu looked at the stick of incense in front of him, and said with a smile, "If that young man doesn't undo the formation within the time of a stick of incense, he will be considered a loser."

Instructor He Lan laughed a few times, but had to agree.

"Mu Lao's idea is really good." Lin Lao looked at the field, such a powerful formation, Dugu Sheng must not be able to solve it...

Dugu Sheng rolled his eyes and couldn't help showing disgust.

This is the time when even the censer is set up and a stick of incense is still held.

It's too long...

"In the time of a stick of incense, can you really untie Dugu Sheng?" Qin Ge stood outside and watched, his heart beating uneasy.

Dugu Sheng folded his arms around his chest, without saying a word, he seemed to be thinking.

Qin Ge couldn't help twisting the hem of his clothes, feeling a little restless for some reason.

"Qin Ge is about to win, why is he still fidgeting?" Chu Yuedao was a little puzzled.

Cang Molian glanced at him.

Qin Ge should really lend him a brain.

After a long time, a clear and clean voice came, "You can't just look at the surface in everything, because his face is very calm."

After all, Cang Molian looked at Dugu Sheng, her eyes still indifferent.

"He, who is it?" Chu Yuedao didn't understand at all.

Bai Xie hiccupped and said contemptuously: "You're so stupid, President Cang must be in Qin Ge, he must be pretending to be restless, he likes to put on a show the most."

Chu Yuedao suddenly realized.

Cang Molian frowned slightly, not only Chu Yuedao, but even Bai Xie wanted to borrow a brain.

"Big brother should be calmer..." Yun Shen murmured.

I have to say, he is the truth.

Indeed, even though the formation was deeper and more terrifying, although Dugu Sheng didn't move, his face was calm, and there was a faint smile in his eyes.

This he playing any tricks again?


(End of this chapter)

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