Chapter 1275 Is there any reward?

Qin Ge made a bow and continued to smile: "However, thank you Xiao Shengsheng for your mercy, otherwise, my fame in this life will be ruined."

Restore the name of the world...

Dugu Sheng raised his lips and smiled wickedly, "Your fame has been ruined long ago, you just took it off so happily that the students outside the venue can see it clearly."

When mentioning the black history, Qin Ge's face froze again.

"It's not because of you..." Qin Ge gritted his teeth, and it took him a while to calm down, "However, Xiao Shengsheng is indeed very powerful. I haven't found a way to crack your transparent world yet. However, after a few days, I will be able to crack it."

Dugu Sheng nodded and hummed lightly.

"This competition is still won by Xiling College." At this time, Mu Lao's voice came.

Dugu Sheng brushed his hair back, smiling prettily.

Their Xiling College has 91 points, while East County College only has [-] points, a gap of [-] points.

Instructor He Lan clasped the corner of the table tightly, wishing to make a hole in the table.

I really didn't expect that the people of Xiling College had such great abilities, and none of their hands and feet on the ring could stop them. It seemed that he had to think of other countermeasures.

Dugu Sheng flew down, smiled and ran to Baili Qinxue to claim credit.

"Axue, will I be rewarded for my glorious victory?"

Baili Qinxue looked at the bottom of his shining eyes, and her brows and eyes softened a lot. She smiled and said, "It is expected that you won, and there is nothing to claim credit for."

Dugu Sheng's face collapsed, "Is there no reward at all?"

Baili Qinxue looked at him with a smile, and always felt that he was begging for rewards like a cute big dog. She burst out laughing and asked, "What reward do you want?"

Dugu Sheng's eyes brightened up, and the sparkling eyes were like pearls.

He leaned close to her, breathed in her ear, and then deliberately lowered his voice, "Let's continue watching the stars tonight."

When she falls asleep, he can eat tofu again, haha.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, and seeing his rippling smile, she always felt that there was some kind of conspiracy, but despite thinking so, she nodded, "Well, yes, the stars last night were really good."

Last night, Ah Xue's lips were so soft.

Dugu Sheng thought wretchedly, his eyes lit up again, looking a little perverted.

"Xiao Shengsheng, if I have a chance next time, I would like to compete with you." When Qin Ge came down, he walked directly in the direction of Dugu Sheng.

Dugu Sheng was happy, put on a smiling face, and said: "Yes, I still have a lot of formations in my hand, I can give you a try..."

After all, he glanced at him.

Qin Ge subconsciously covered his clothes, always feeling that his eyes just now were very lewd, as if he was thinking about something evil.

He laughed dryly, and was scolded by Chu Yuedao and Bai Xie when he walked back.

The competition is over and the game is over.

Baili Qinxue grabbed Dugu Sheng's sleeve, looked at the sky, and said: "The weather is pretty good now, I think I should go to the alchemist union again."

Dugu Sheng squinted his eyes, a fool could see that he was upset, "I went again after a day, does Cang Molian have any strange thoughts?"

Baili Qinxue was puzzled, "What strange idea?"

Will think that Ashe likes him, damn it...

Dugu Sheng gritted his teeth, a gleam flashed in his eyes, "It's nothing, but let me go with you if Axue wants to go, I will wait outside for you to come out."


(End of this chapter)

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