Chapter 1304 There must be something tricky!
Chu Yuedao laughed, and the hair on the top of his head swayed easily, "The competition is suspended, we have nothing to do, of course we want to get together."

The stinky boy is really reasonable.

Instructor He Lan's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak.

Cang Molian pointed to the two empty seats and said, "Sit."

A short, calm word with a certain force.

The two lifted up their robes and sat down. There was still a pot of tea on the table. They poured themselves a cup and held it in their hands.

"Smelly scorpion, what do you think they are here for?" Chu Yuedao tugged at Bai Xie's sleeve and asked with a frown.

He always felt that the two appeared together, which seemed particularly weird.

Bai Xie covered his face with the wine gourd, only showing a pair of eyeballs rolling, "Who knows, maybe he just came here to sit and sit, but I always feel that there must be something weird in it."

Yun Shen lowered his voice, and said, "Miss Cai took the man away just now, do you think they came here for this, after all, that man used to secretly refine forbidden drugs."

When Chu Yuedao and Bai Xie heard this, they suddenly realized.

It turned out that Baili Qinxue was here to snatch her away, but she had already been snatched away, haha.

Qin Ge held his chin and continued to laugh. Now their brains are a little smarter, and they know how to turn.

"What's the matter?" Cang Molian lightly touched the teapot, her brows and eyes were as picturesque as water.

Instructor He Lan and Elder Lin looked at each other, and Instructor He Lan spoke first, "We are here today because we want to have someone with President Cang."

After all, Instructor He Lan raised his head slightly. He is Cang Molian's instructor, so he should show off his face.

Cang Molian frowned slightly, her eyes were so clear that no one could see any emotion, "Who is it?"

Instructor He Lan's expression was haughty, and the glint of excitement shone in his dark eyes, as if he had brought him back, "If we are all Master Jiayin."

Cang Molian's expression changed, and the lotus imprint on his forehead flowed slowly as if alive. In an instant, a wisp of light and smoky breath lingered on him, and his clean and beautiful appearance really looked like a fairy.

After a while, his thin lips moved, "Why, why do you want him?"

Instructor He Lan thought it was intentional, so he laughed directly and said, "Master Jiayin has a lot to do with the swallowing of banned drugs this time. We just want to get him out, so we can tell everyone the truth."

Cang Molian's eyes darkened, and her emotions were unclear.

Qin Ge knocked on the table and asked with a smile: "According to what I know, Master Jiayin has been atoning for sins in the trade union, and the incident of swallowing banned drugs just happened recently. The two have nothing to do with each other, so why did you ask for someone?"

Although these people are young, they are really not easy to fool.

Instructor He Lan looked displeased, but still patiently explained: "Master Jiayin once went to Xiling College, and at that time he had already started refining forbidden medicine..."

Qin Ge raised his eyebrows, perhaps he heard the implication, "Mr. He Lan means that they may have bought forbidden drugs from Master Jiayin?"

Instructor He Lan laughed, "Exactly."

"I see." Qin Ge's smile remained unchanged.

Those who come are not kind, they are not kind, just look at their wretched little expressions.

Cang Molian listened to their conversation verbatim, but she still had a quiet appearance and made no statement.

Lin Lao was as motionless as a mountain, looking extremely calm.

Instructor He Lan waited for a long time and didn't see him speak, but he was a little anxious, "President Cang, what do you think, with the help of Master Jiayin, the truth will be revealed immediately, and then the college battle will start again."


 Happy Mooncake Day.

(End of this chapter)

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