Chapter 1307 I just want to tease you
Really insidious.

Elder Lin smiled and asked, "Now that Master Jiayin is gone, what should we do?"

Instructor He Lan smiled slightly, "Without Kayin, are we really going to die?"

He squinted and smiled, looking very determined.Mr. Lin was startled, and turned his head to ask: "Seeing that Teacher He Lan looks like he has a chance to win, he should have some ideas."

The smile in Instructor He Lan's eyes remained unchanged, and he responded, "I was thinking just now that the evidence doesn't need to be too hard, just find a few people to make up the numbers, and talk casually in front of the students, wouldn't it be enough?"

Old Lin's lips curled up.

Frame them with insidious tricks just like ever.

Mr. Lin suddenly withdrew his smile, and asked with a straight face: "Then what if the students don't believe it?"

"Anyway, when we got Master Jiayin out, we just asked him to do things according to our words, and Jiayin is already a sinner, and what he said is insignificant, so it's better to find a few random people." Instructor He Lan's eyes were sharp, already in his mind He continued to practice the strategy in his heart, "When the time comes, we will also whisper in the students' ears, are we afraid that they won't believe it?"

Old Lin rolled his eyes, but he didn't have any objections.

"It's indeed a good idea, and it's the only way to do it now."

Seeing that he agreed, Instructor He Lan narrowed his eyes happily.

The two turned sideways, and in an instant, the figures of the two were elongated by the sunlight...

East County College, inside the student residence.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng had already brought people here.

Dugu Sheng did not attack lightly, and Master Jiayin was still in a coma at the moment.

Xuanyuan Po and Mu Liu didn't come back either, Zhao Yu and the others probably ate and drank in the cafeteria, and there were no signs of them in the room.

Dugu Sheng left Master Jiayin in the corner, lifted up his robe, and sat face to face with Baili Qinxue.

"Zhao Yu and the others are really leisurely, they must be eating and drinking in the cafeteria right now." Dugu Sheng played with the teacup on the table, curled his lips and laughed teasingly.

Baili Qinxue glanced at Master Jiayin in the corner, and quickly withdrew her gaze, "It can't be helped, we let them eat and drink, don't be jealous."

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, "That's right, without them eating and drinking inside, how can we confuse the public?"

After all, he took out an oilcloth bag from the space.

It was bulging with oilcloth, and Baili Qinxue took a closer look, "Stir-fried chestnuts in sugar, when did you buy them?"

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, and a very bright light flickered in his extremely sparkling eyes, "While I was waiting for you, I took the time to go out and buy it."

Baili Qinxue opened the oilcloth bag, peeled the chestnuts with both hands and teased, "Okay, you bastard, you actually left your post. What if something happens at that time?"

Dugu Sheng tilted his head, and the light in his eyes changed, becoming extremely deep and dark, as if there was something unknown, "Actually, I still trust that Axue can do well."

In an instant, a smile bloomed in his eyes, which was a kind of extreme pampering and trust.

Baili Qinxue ate the chestnuts, hid the shock in her heart and teased again: "Then you still said that at the beginning."

"Oh, that..." Dugu Sheng responded softly, his lips curled up in an intoxicating arc, "I just want to tease A Xue, that's all."


Baili Qinxue clutched her chest, overwhelmed by his words.

What do you mean by wanting to tease's really shameless.

Baili Qinxue inhaled and exhaled, finally calming down a lot, she said: "Be careful with your wording, these words sound very twisted..."


(End of this chapter)

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