Chapter 1318 Protest, we protest...

"That's right, if these things are not clarified, if the people of Xiling College really swallowed the banned drugs, wouldn't it be very unfair to us."

"We protest..."

"We hope that after all the truth is revealed, we will hold the academy battle."


There was a lot of noise.

But Mu Lao seemed to have never heard of it, he stood upright, his eyes were full of sunlight, giving people the illusion that nothing in the world could shake his decision.

He gritted his teeth and took the initiative to block the students' protests and noises, but his heart was shaken.

He had also thought of this kind of situation, but he didn't expect that the students would be so excited by you, so excited that it made him a little weak...

If these two bad guys don't succeed, he will, he will... peel off their skins.

Instructor He Lan jumped up excitedly, "Old Mu, what are you talking about? The matter has not been resolved yet, so why are you continuing to fight against the academy?"

Elder Lin sat on the side without saying a word. He really didn't expect Elder Mu to make such a decision.

Elder Mu took a deep breath, and said: "Those rumors must have been made by people, we can't slow down the progress of the battle because of some rumors, and the people from Xiling College can't stay in our college all the time. "

Instructor He Lan gritted his teeth, "But..."

Mr. Mu flicked his sleeves and interrupted him, "There's no need to say anything more. I've made up my mind and I'll continue fighting tomorrow. Whether you want it or not, I'm going to hold it. There's no need to investigate those gossips. I trust Xiling." The Academy will never swallow banned drugs."

The students of East County College froze in place when they heard this.

I really didn't expect Mr. Mu to say such a thing. It was completely protecting Xiling College... In an instant, the noise gradually became quieter, as if he was overwhelmed by the aura exuded by Mr. Mu.

Mu Lao bent his lips and instantly felt complete.

Instructor He Lan never expected that the situation would develop like this, it was completely different from what he had imagined.

Obviously, the battle should continue to be suspended. He and Mr. Lin found witnesses to confirm the statement that Xiling College swallowed banned drugs, but at this moment... what happened?
Teacher He Lan was about to say something, but Elder Lin shook his head at him.

Knowing Elder Lin's intentions, he quickly calmed down.

Mu Lao sat down with a smile, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly, "So, you don't have any opinions?"

The students of East County College chattered for a while, and then fell silent.

Even if you have an opinion, so what, Mr. Mu is the biggest here, and everyone has to listen to him.

However, since Elder Mu said that, swallowing forbidden drugs should be a misunderstanding...

"Since you don't have any objections, let's all leave. Keep your spirits up. You can continue to compete with me tomorrow." Mr. Mu laughed, stroking his beard and getting up to leave.

Instructor He Lan looked at his back and gritted his teeth.

He and Mr. Lin looked at each other and left angrily.

Elder Lin followed closely behind.

All of a sudden, everyone dispersed.

Chu Yuedao was a little puzzled, scratched his head and couldn't figure it out, "What's the matter, why can't we find out everything, and Mr. Mu decided to continue the competition, so can we still find out?"

Bai Xie took a sip of his wine and said nonchalantly, "Lao Mu has a lot of ideas, so there's nothing to worry about."

"But..." Chu Yuedao pursed her lips, "I really want to know who spread the rumors. After such a disturbance, this matter is going to sink to the bottom of the sea?"


(End of this chapter)

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