Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1320 Do you want to see the expression of Reservoir Dogs?

Chapter 1320 Do you want to see the expression of Reservoir Dogs?

A moment later, the corners of her lips hooked up, a trace of evil rippling on the corners of her lips, and a gleam of crystal light appeared in her eyes.

"Let's go outside and have a look, there should be something good to watch right now."

As soon as everyone heard this, they got up from the bed and climbed up from the chair with a grunt, and the green light of excitement was still shining in their eyes, which was really scary.

Baili Qinxue looked at their excited faces, and the wicked smile on her lips deepened, "Let's go..."

Dugu Sheng took the initiative to stand beside Baili Qinxue, the hazy moonlight fell on them, and through that ray of holy moonlight, the two were like a pair of lovers, getting along harmoniously without any sense of disobedience .

Zhao Yu had sharp eyes, and quickly discovered the difference between them, as if there was something more wonderful.

"Azi, do you see that the two people in front are a little different?" Zhao Yu lowered his voice and asked.

A nose is a nose, eyes are eyes, what's the difference?
Wei Nanzi glanced at him, and said contemptuously, "It's nothing different at all, your eyes are broken, right?"

Zhao Yu's face turned blue, and his fingertips trembled, "You...well, I don't care about people like you who don't understand style, you are destined to not get a wife, hmph."

Wei Nanzi rolled his eyes, he probably didn't take his medicine.

The moonlight is faint.

Xuanyuan Po glanced at the two figures swaying in front of him, he clenched his lips tightly, the moonlight reflected in his eyes seemed to be a bit chillier to the bone.

Mu Liu hugged her arms subconsciously, why did she feel so cold...

"Xuanyuan Po, what's wrong with you, why is there something wrong with your face?" Mu Liu turned her head, and seemed to notice Xuanyuan Po's abnormality, her eyes widened slightly.

Xuanyuan Po lowered his eyes, and when he looked up again, his face was as calm and cold as before, he raised his eyebrows and said: "It's nothing, the night is dark, maybe you misread it."

That's right...

Mu Liu scratched her head, and then looked back.

It was very calm along the way, but Baili Qinxue seemed to have a purpose, and led them directly to the direction of the battlefield. Everyone did not doubt that he was there, and quietly followed her.

The closer he was to the battle field, the louder the noise became clearer.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other, the smiles in the eyes of the two of them set off the color of the moonlight, a little bit intoxicating, and more of a bewitching.

The people behind looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's so noisy at night, something really happened?

It feels so lively.

Knowing that they were curious, Baili Qinxue quickened her pace.

Staying very close to the battlefield, they saw a lot of figures swaying in the moonlight, accompanied by noise, they didn't feel the excitement, they just felt a little weird.

"What are you doing so noisy?" Zhao Yu stretched his neck, but couldn't see anything.

"Well, Ayu is stupid, why do you want to just walk over and have a look." Lin Wanwan spat, and walked over with Little Pink.

"Come here quickly, it's really lively. It seems that Elder Lin and Instructor He Lan are still in the battle field, and even Elder Mu is here..." The four thieves cried out in surprise, and they didn't know when they rushed over of.

Wei Nanzi and Zhao Yu looked at each other.

What do these great people do together when they don't sleep at night?

Could it be... The two of them were startled and rushed over without stopping.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng stood where they were and did not pass by.

Looking at the wonderful scenery in the arena, Baili Qinxue knew that her plan had succeeded, and she was not in a hurry to see the wonderful expression of the dog in the water.


(End of this chapter)

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