Chapter 133 Do Your Best (Part [-])

Dugu Sheng shook his head like a rattle, he smiled and said: "I'm not afraid at all when I'm with my sister, at worst, I'll be knocked out by the Fire Cloud Beast, and we'll be teleported out together at that time. Running away from my sister will definitely make me feel uncomfortable, and I feel uncomfortable just looking at it all the time."

"You really understand me." Baili Qinxue rubbed his head with a smile, and said: "Since they want to lead the battle, we will help them open a way in the back."

Dugu Sheng's voice was loud, "Listen to my sister."

Baili Qinxue raised the staff in her hand, and the fire magic condensed in her palm suddenly threw it at the Fire Cloud Beast, opening a way for Wei Nanzi and the others, while Dugu Sheng built a water barrier for her.

Wei Nanzi took a look at Baili Qinxue, and was a little surprised to see that she didn't leave. After the surprise, he gathered flames in his palms, and he dodged to attack the Fire Cloud Beast, throwing several fireballs in a row.

The attack was swift and fierce, and the flames were scorching.

Zhao Yu condensed white light and healed Wei Nanzi non-stop.

As soon as Wei Nanzi's magic was overdrawn, it recovered after a while. He attacked several times in a row and became more courageous. Sometimes, he would build a water barrier by himself to resist the fire cloud beast's attack.

"Bang bang—"

After the fierce attack, the Huoyun Beast had large and small wounds on its body.

Wei Nanzi was overjoyed. According to such an attack, the Fire Cloud Beast would definitely be defeated by them. He shouted back: "Ayu, try to heal me, I will beat the Fire Cloud Beast to the ground."

There was already a lot of fine sweat on Zhao Yu's forehead, and he was very embarrassed. It can be seen that their offensive was effective. He curled his lips and couldn't help laughing: "You can fight at ease, I will always be behind you."

Wei Nanzi jumped up and threw several fireballs.

The Fire Cloud Beast did not fight Wei Nanzi head-on, but dodged his fireball and flew towards Zhao Yu. Baili Qinxue's expression changed, and he shouted: "Zhao Yu, get out of the way, Fire Cloud Beast It's coming."

Wei Nanzi was also shocked, and rushed to rescue Zhao Yu.

The speed of the Fire Cloud Beast is not comparable to that of ordinary people. It kicked Zhao Yu to the ground with its hooves, and then breathed on him. Zhao Yu was dizzy from being kicked, and dizzy from the breath , When he came back to his senses, he realized that he had been trampled under by the Fire Cloud Beast.

His face froze and he struggled hard.

The Fire Cloud Beast stared at him quietly with wide eyes, as if it was watching a clown play, and when it had seen enough, it opened its mouth wide, wanting to breathe fire.

"You bastard, let go of Ayu." Wei Nanzi kicked the Fire Cloud Beast on the mouth, and threw several fireballs at it.


The Fire Cloud Beast roared a few more times, and quickly shifted its target to Wei Nanzi. Seeing that Zhao Yu under it was of no use, it kicked him away.

This blow was so powerful that Zhao Yu's body hit the tree trunk, he groaned fiercely, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

"Ah Yu..." Wei Nanzi frowned and gritted his teeth, first it was Lin Wanwan and now it was Zhao Yu, this fire cloud beast was simply abominable, he flew up and soon got entangled with the fire cloud beast.

In an instant, the sky was filled with flames, and it was scorching hot.

Wei Nanzi and the Fire Cloud Beast had a fierce fight, the flame of the Fire Cloud Beast was extremely hot, and many wounds appeared on Wei Nanzi's body very quickly, and even a lot of clothing was burned, leaving only a few pitiful pieces Xi's fig leaf.

With a "bang", Huoyun Beast kicked Wei Nanzi in the stomach...


(End of this chapter)

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