Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1334 Evil sword, why did you miss it?

Chapter 1334 Evil sword, why did you miss it?

"Stupid." Qin Ge smiled.

"Stupid." Bai Xie rolled his eyes.

"Senior Yuedao is stupid." Yun Shen put his hands on his hips, confidently.

Chu Yuedao wanted to cry but had no tears. Why did everyone attack him? The fairy-like and quiet Guild Master Cang was the most likable.

"Why scold me?" Chu Yuedao cried.

Qin Ge glanced at him, and continued to smile, "Didn't you realize that Mr. Lin was hit by a formation? Although he could run, jump, and feel pain, the moves he made were like sinking into the sea and disappearing out of thin air. It’s the same, that’s why it evolved into this appearance.”

There is such a magical formation?
Chu Yuedao was startled, and looked at Qin Ge with shining eyes, "Qin Ge, can you?"

Bai Xie and Yun Shen glanced at each other. It turned out that they had been hit by a formation. They didn't want to be as stupid as Chu Yuedao, so they deliberately echoed Qin Ge's scolding.

Qin Ge's face turned blue, his eyes darkened, and his tone was dull: "Such a miraculous formation, I wouldn't..."

After all, he subconsciously glanced at Dugu Sheng.

The boy flicked his fingertips, with a look of ease.

Facing a master like Mr. Lin, he was not afraid at all, and instead used formations to deceive him. Mr. Lin hadn't realized that this kid's formation skills were already so strong that it was outrageous.

Qin Ge pursed his lips, thinking of the formation that made him take off his clothes to make a fool of himself, his shame welled up in his heart, and his face darkened even more, "Wait, Xiaoyue Island, are you loose?"

Chu Yuedao was inexplicable, "Hey? What do you mean?"

Qin Ge raised his eyebrows and paused every word: "It means that you have too many questions..."

Chu Yuedao's face froze.

This bastard must think he talks too much, hmph, I will never talk to him again.

inside the field.

Elder Lin looked at the sword that was about to fall, and his first reaction was that he must have been hit.

It must have been hit by a bitch's formation to be so weak.

He raised his eyes and looked at the sword edge that kept flashing cold light. His heart was cold. He didn't expect that he would die in the hands of the four thieves in the end. It seemed that he was really unhappy with his retribution.

When the blade fell, a ray of light flashed...

The edge of the Xiejian fell on Lin Lao's left shoulder, and blood flowed out instantly, looking extremely coquettish under the moonlight.

Seeing this, the other three thieves were stunned, "Evil Sword, shouldn't you cut off your head? Why did you cut off your left shoulder? Could it be that you live too comfortably and don't even know how to use a sword?"

Xie Jian's face darkened. It's none of his business at all. When he dropped the sword just now, he obviously felt resistance. Someone must not want them to kill Mr. Lin.

Who could it be? Could it be Mr. Lin's accomplice?

This time, his face became even more ugly, "Just now, someone stopped me. He didn't want to let Mr. Lin die."

What, is there an accomplice?
"Don't worry about it, it's me." Mu Lao stepped forward and glanced at them like an idiot.

"Accomplice..." The four thieves looked over in unison.

Elder Mu almost cried out of anger, and said a little helplessly, "What accomplices, don't talk nonsense, you little rascals, after all, Elder Lin is a highly respected person, and it won't work if he is executed casually like this."

Mr. Mu is right. Mr. Lin has a high status, so it is unreasonable to execute him on the spot.

The four thieves were a little unhappy. Could it be that they want to let him go like this, "Then what should we do? We can't just let him go, right? We finally caught Mr. Lin, if we let him go..."


(End of this chapter)

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