Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1336 Old Lin is dead, He Lan is abolished

Chapter 1336 Old Lin is dead, He Lan is abolished
Elder Lin lowered his head, not wanting to see Elder Mu.

He is a strong man, he doesn't want to be seen in a mess, even if he wants to die, he has to die with dignity.

If he was sent to the academy's higher-ups for disposal, he would definitely be worse than death, and since he no longer had fighting spirit, he would definitely be bullied to death.

No, he cannot accept such an ending.

He stretched out his hand and groped back and forth on the ground. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Knife, he touched a knife.

He quietly pulled out the knife. When he pulled it out, he was already dripping with sweat. He quietly hid the knife behind his back.

"He Lan, come here too." Elder Mu looked at Tutor He Lan and frowned, "You also go with me to plead guilty to the high-level of the academy. What you have done is not worse than Elder Lin."

Instructor Helan trembled, if he went, he would definitely be finished.

He originally wanted to rely on Elder Lin to turn things around, but he didn't expect that Elder Lin had lost his fighting spirit and couldn't protect himself.

"Everything I do is for the sake of the academy. Mr. Mu, you shouldn't have treated me like this." Instructor He Lan remained stubborn.

Mu Lao frowned and his face darkened, but at this time...

The weak old Lin raised the big knife and stabbed it directly into his chest as if he had been injected with chicken blood.

In an instant, blood sprayed, blinding Mu Lao's eyes.

"Elder Mu, even if I die, I won't let you take me to meet the senior management of the academy. I am a strong man, and the strong man should end his life by himself." Mr. Lin stroked the big knife on his chest, and stabbed it deeply again. a bit.

The blood was sprayed again, and Mr. Lin laughed directly when he saw the bright red blood.

Elder Mu turned around and tried to stop it, but it was too late. He squinted his eyes and said solemnly, "Old Lin, I never thought you would end your life in such a way..."

"This is, the best way, poof..." Elder Lin spat out blood, his eyes slowly closed, and the corners of his mouth raised a strange arc. It seemed very peaceful, but Elder Mu tasted it in it. A tinge of embarrassment.

Can you kill yourself, can you really be so embarrassing?
Elder Mu sighed, and quickly looked away.

Instructor He Lan on the side was already scared to pee, okay?

Oh my god, Mr. Lin would commit suicide. Fortunately, he has already been relieved, but what should He Lan do?
Could it be that he was going to be taken to the upper echelon of the academy to be tortured and killed thousands of times?
No!Instructor He Lan shouted in his heart.

But before he could figure out what to do, Mr. Mu had already found a rope to tie him up, and the majestic Instructor He Lan instantly became a helpless dog.

Mr. Mu led him all the way back, "Leave some people to clean up the battlefield. I will take Teacher He Lan back now. You should go back to rest earlier."

The four thieves took a few steps forward and reminded, "Won't Mr. Mu destroy Master Helan's fighting spirit?"

What if he escapes without destroying his grudge?
Only then did Mr. Mu suddenly realize, "It makes sense, He Lan's strength is not too weak, and it is a hidden danger if it is not eliminated."

After finishing speaking, he drew his fingertips together and directly crippled Teacher He Lan's fighting spirit.

Instructor He Lan screamed, and fell limply on the ground like a weak chicken. His fighting spirit was crippled, and he was directly inferior to ordinary people. Moreover, his hands were tied, so he couldn't commit suicide at all, and he didn't even dare to bite his tongue to kill himself.

Seeing this, the four thieves were immediately consummated.

With the death of Mr. Lin and the abolition of Instructor He Lan, the hatred once buried in their hearts has also quietly faded away. Now, they can start a new life, haha.


(End of this chapter)

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