Chapter 1338 Ah Xue, it was on purpose!

As for the college battle, because of the bloody incident yesterday, Mr. Mu decided to take it easy and deal with all the matters at hand before holding it. He also wanted to give the students a buffer time.

The ruling to deal with Instructor He Lan has not yet come down, but he has become a useless person, and he will definitely not give him a good life.

Early this morning, four thieves were jumping up and down in the residence.

They were so happy, they had been aggrieved for a long time, and finally brought them all down one by one, and they were able to see the best tomorrow after hanging out with the boss.

"Ahhh, we feel like we've come alive..." the four thieves raised their heads and shouted.

Dugu Sheng directly threw the four chopsticks over.

The four chopsticks quickly plunged into the ground, the force was really unbelievable.

"What are you talking about, as if you were dead people before, do you need me to punch you a few times, make you half dead, and then give you Xiaohuan Dan to make you come back to life?"

The four thieves stopped immediately, "Brother, you are too bad, we have to sue the boss."

At this time, Baili Qinxue opened the window, glanced sideways outside, and said with a smile: "It's really noisy, I don't mind if you teach them a few times."

The four thieves were taken aback, the boss was actually working hand in hand with Dugu Sheng, it's hard to live this day...

The four of them rushed to the eaves immediately, looking at the sky melancholy.

Baili Qinxue covered her lips and smiled, "You are so bad, they are just too happy, you actually scare them like this."

Dugu Sheng ran forward with a smile, rubbing her face with his hands, "When A Xue was helping the flames, why didn't she say that she was bad?"

Since he said those words, this bastard has become more and more presumptuous, always making moves.

Baili Qinxue brushed his hand away calmly, and said, "I'm going to thank the alchemist's union again, and in addition, Master Jiayin is dead, so I'm really sorry."

Dugu Sheng raised his lips, and there was a strange gleam in his eyes, "If Axue was sorry, she would have asked me to protect the old man Jiayin with a formation, but Axue didn't. It seems that you really want to let Jiayin Old man Yin die."

"Too smart, not good..." Baili Qinxue raised her red lips, and her soft voice was treacherous.

Hearing this, Dugu Sheng was not only not afraid, but his eyes lit up, his fingertips slowly slid across the collar of his shirt, the autumn water in his eyes swayed, he hesitated to speak, with a weak and charming look.

"Then Axue punish me, because I know too much..."

Baili Qinxue was taken aback when she saw his obscene/slutty appearance, "What's wrong with you, why are you acting like this, I find it a little scary..."

Dugu Sheng's face collapsed.


He is obviously seducing/seducing, really, it's too confusing.

"Didn't you say that I'm too smart, and my eyes are so scary, so I think you want to punish me." Dugu Sheng smiled charmingly, and breathed directly close to her earlobe.

Sex/seduction is not enough, then take the initiative, yeah!
Baili Qinxue trembled all over, and her hairs stood on end, "Hey, don't make trouble. I really want Master Jiayin to die, who said that Master Jiayin's thoughts are too vicious, and it would be a waste of food to keep it, so it's better to borrow forest Killing him by the old hand can be regarded as adding another murder charge to Mr. Lin."

"Where are Li Ergou and Wang Tieniu?" Dugu Sheng gasped.

Baili Qinxue's whole body turned crisp, her face turned red, and she almost surrendered, "If you keep these two scumbags, they might be used by others. It's best to let Mr. Lin kill them."


(End of this chapter)

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