Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1341 You said, will there be any abnormality

Chapter 1341 You said, will there be any abnormality

The disciple paused and said again: "However, there is nothing else besides these. There are too few clues, and the academy was in chaos for a while."

Cang Molian listened quietly, "Oh, I have a lot of experience in stealing people."

The disciple burst into tears.

That's not called stealing people, that's called saving people, President, you used the wrong wording!
"However, no matter how chaotic the situation was, it was still suppressed by Mr. Mu. According to Mr. Mu's current meaning, the college battle is more important, and the college battle will continue tomorrow. He will let the contestants recharge their batteries." The disciple breathed a sigh of relief. Say everything.

Cang Molian nodded, respecting Mu Lao's arrangement.

"I see."

The disciple responded, and quickly retreated, and the medicine field became much quieter in an instant.

Baili Qinxue didn't take matters about Mentor He Lan seriously, but when she was disturbed by her disciples, she decided to go back first.

"President Cang, since Elder Mu said to let us recharge our batteries, I will go back first. I hope that tomorrow's competition will still be as exciting as before."

Hearing her talk about the competition, Cang Molian turned her head and thought of her flame.

Such a pure, impurity-free flame, I don't know how it will collide with his flame, it should be very interesting.

Cang Molian was silent for a moment, and then responded, "Well, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's competition."

After getting his response, Baili Qinxue left slowly.

The outside of the alchemists union is always quiet, few people will pass by the union door, it may be that the union is too solemn, and the common people dare not take a walk outside rashly.

When Baili Qinxue went out, there would always be a person leaning against the big tree, riding the autumn wind and waiting for her without complaint or regret. The sun fell through the thin cracks in the leaves, and she saw the smile in his eyes through the layers of light and shadow. meaning.

Brilliant, doting, with deep nostalgia.

Baili Qinxue blushed and walked over pretending to be calm.

"It's really early today, and I came back after only going in for more than half an hour." Dugu Sheng stood up, smiling so much that it was almost overflowing.

Baili Qinxue turned her head and smiled calmly, "I know you're waiting outside, so I naturally have to come out earlier."

Dugu Sheng hugged her shoulders, and smiled lightly: "I know that my Axue loves me."

Baili Qinxue gave him a white look and said nothing.

"What happened inside just now, I saw a disciple running in in a panic." Dugu Sheng asked casually.

Baili Qinxue didn't realize it for a while, but she came to her senses after a long while, "It's nothing, it's just that the news came from the academy that Teacher He Lan was rescued, and the academy was in a hurry, and Mr. Mu used some The method was used to suppress the matter, and it also explained that a college battle will be held again, and we need to recharge our batteries."

After hearing this, Dugu Sheng laughed directly, "Mr. He Lan was rescued?"

Baili Qinxue nodded.

Dugu Sheng suppressed his smile, with a look of contempt on his face, "Who would save a waste without fighting spirit when he is full? It's not that I have bad intentions, it's that Teacher He Lan is worse than ordinary people now."

"Who says it's not." Baili Qinxue said as he walked, "It stands to reason that a person like Teacher He Lan should not be very popular. Who would save him when he is full? Is it possible that he wants to take advantage of his weakness? With your little body, what experiment are you doing?"

Dugu Sheng paused, his eyes lit up, "Don't tell me, there should be such a perverted person, just like old man Jiayin..."


(End of this chapter)

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