Chapter 1343 White Scorpion vs Wind Blade
The students were as if they had been beaten to death, "How to change, how to change?"

Amid the quarrels of the students, Mr. Mu stroked his beard and smiled, and quickly said, "We can use Warcraft in the next single-player duel, and the test score will be increased to [-] points."

Baili Qinxue suddenly understood Mu Lao's intentions. If no points were added, even if all the East County Academy members won the next three competitions, they would not be able to surpass them.

Mu Lao can think of this, it is really well-intentioned.

Baili Qinxue thought it was quite interesting and didn't pay much attention to it, but soon felt a pity.

It was only brought up at this time, Dugu Sheng has already tried it, and it feels like a pity that he didn't see his monster.

"What kind of monster is yours?" Baili Qinxue tugged at her sleeve and lowered her voice.

Dugu Sheng may have seen the regret in her eyes, and said with a smile: "In the future, when we are two, I will show me. My monsters look very stupid, so don't dislike them."

Are there two fires, are they stupid?
Wait, he said it was them...

"You have many monsters?" Baili Qinxue was a little surprised.

Dugu Sheng lowered his voice and said, "Not as much as you."

Baili Qinxue became more and more sure that his monsters must be very powerful.

Hearing that Warcraft can be used, the students immediately boiled.

Great, it must be cool to fight later.

Bai Xie put down the wine gourd, swayed and walked in front of Feng Ren, "I have finally waited for this moment."

Feng Ren glanced at him inexplicably, drunkard playing drunk in front of him?
"It's finally the moment when we start fighting again." Bai Xie was still immersed in his own world. Suddenly, he raised his eyes to meet Feng Ren's gaze, and hiccupped: "Do you still remember our agreement?"

Feng Ren suddenly realized that he wanted to fight again.

"Ahahaha, of course I remember." Feng Ren laughed loudly, and he couldn't contain his excitement for a moment, "I just want to fight again, to see if my Wind Blade is stronger or your Thunderbolt is stronger."

Bai Xie laughed, sober all of a sudden, "Yes, yes, that's it, shall we fight today?"

"Fight, of course." After finishing speaking, the two brothers embraced Bai Xie's shoulders, and the two walked directly onto the ring with each other's arms.

The students were dumbfounded, this is too casual...

Both of them are the kind of people who don't care about the eyes of others. When they arrived on the ring, they drank some wine and exchanged pleasantries for a while, but they didn't have any intention of opening their mouths.

The students were so angry that they were about to flip the table.

Bastard, is this still a fight?

After drinking and throwing away the wine gourd, Bai Scorpion touched the wine stains on the corner of his mouth and stood up straight away, saying, "We're full, let's beat it quickly, and then go eat and drink when we're done."

Nima, these two are... pigs.

Feng Ren also stood up, his face smelled of alcohol, "Ahahaha, let's fight quickly, look, these students seem to be waiting impatiently."

As soon as the autumn wind blew, the smell of alcohol on the two of them completely dissipated.

In an instant, the two separated, and the students knew that they were going to fight as soon as they breathed hard.

But before the students figured out what was going on, the air condensed in the wind was so depressing, and then the wind gradually transformed into countless sharp wind blades.

The students' eyes widened suddenly, oh my god, this is wind magic, so mighty.

only see...

The thin and sharp wind blades in the sky hit the white scorpion like a storm, and each wind blade carried a strong fighting spirit. The white scorpion took a deep breath and completely felt his seriousness.


(End of this chapter)

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