Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1345 The confrontation of will, a good start!

Chapter 1345 The confrontation of will, a good start!

Left hooks, right hooks... all out of order.

After a while, Feng Ren's left cheek was covered with paint, and then Bai Xie's right cheek was covered with paint... and so on, both of them had small wounds on their faces.

The students were particularly worried watching from the sidelines.

The two of them fought... they were too dedicated, they were fighting with bare hands.

Wait, they seem to have overlooked something.

Nima, you can use Warcraft, why don't those two people use it, these two idiots!
"Both of you, you can use Warcraft, hurry up and use Warcraft."

"Yes, yes, use Warcraft."

"Use Warcraft..."

Seeing that they were too stupid, the students immediately got excited.

But the two people in the arena didn't seem to realize it, they were still punching each other with fists, the force was limp, as if they were playing a game.

Nima, two idiots!

Mr. Mu waved his sleeves and signaled the students to calm down, "Quiet, what they are fighting for right now is their will. That kind of strong will is rare and needs to be respected. If we use monsters at this moment, it will be meaningless."

When the students heard this, they quickly fell silent.

What Elder Mu said was right, that kind of rare willpower, even though their movements were slow and limp at the moment, the blood flowing in their hearts never faded at all, instead it became more and more intense.

Today's competition is really... wonderful.

After quieting the students down, Mr. Mu also let out a long sigh of relief, but suddenly clenched his fingertips tightly.

It was really wonderful, even an old man like him was infected.

on the ring.

The two are still fighting.

"bang bang bang"

Calling back and forth, back and forth, it really doesn't work...

Both of them stopped moving, panting heavily, staring at each other covetously, just about to rush up, but their feet couldn't move at all as if they were filled with lead.

After a while, neither of them moved. It seemed that their limit had been reached.

Mr. Mu is stroking his beard. At this moment, both of them are standing upright on the ring. If the sentence is to be pronounced, it should be...

"I announce this competition..."

He was about to say something, but the sudden change in the arena made him shut up.

"Bang" sound.

Feng Ren fell directly on the ring and passed out, while Bai Scorpion kept standing, although it was a little wobbly.

"I declare that Bai Xie from East County College will win this competition." Elder Mu stood up excitedly. He really didn't expect Bai Xie's will to be so strong.

He wanted to declare a draw, but he didn't expect such a surprise in the end.

Like a victorious warrior, White Scorpion raised his hands high and shouted, "Ahhh..."

The students of East County College also shouted after him.

This is a good start, a good start, I didn't expect to get [-] points on the first day of the resume competition.

Haha, a total of 21 points, [-] points lower than Xiling College, if you win another game, you can catch up, yeah.

After shouting, Bai Xie fell to the ground with a bang, and passed out immediately, but the corner of his mouth was filled with a happy smile.

Mu Lao came back to his senses, and hurriedly ordered his disciples to carry the two of them back and settle them down.

"It's the first time I've seen a stinky scorpion so desperately..." Chu Yuedao blinked, really struggling like a lunatic.

Qin Ge smiled and said: "When you see someone who is as strong as yourself, you will naturally try your best, just like just now, even if you squeeze out the last bit of strength, you must continue to fight, that is a very strong will. "


(End of this chapter)

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