Chapter 1348 Disappearance of Warcraft?
Feng Ren didn't speak, and stood straight and straight, like a pine tree.

Baili Qinxue finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked casually, "What are you doing, pleading guilty?"

Hearing this, Feng Ren's eyeballs lit up, he opened his mouth and said: "Boss, you are so smart, you actually know that I will take the blame."

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows calmly, really pleading guilty, this kid is not stupid.

She pursed her lips and said nothing, but Feng Ren took off the cane on her back, handed it to Baili Qinxue and said, "Boss, I lost the competition, please hit me as much as you want."

The eyes of Zhao Yu and Wei Nanzi stared round.

It's nothing more than an apology. When it comes to drawing words, why are you so excited? You are a masochist, so perverted.

The three thieves agreed, "Yes, boss, please slap him, he will be punished if he loses the competition, and..."

After all, the three of them patted Feng Ren on the back, and directly slapped a few red marks, "This kid is very resistant to beating, boss, feel free to slap him as much as you want."

Zhao Yu and Wei Nanzi's eyes widened again, and the corners of their mouths twitched non-stop.

Damn, it's still a bunch of perverts.

Baili Qinxue shook her hand holding the cane, imagining the scene of whipping with a whip, just like the sex/fun games in her previous life, so dirty and perverted.

Seeing her unnaturalness, Dugu Sheng directly took the cane out of her hand and put it on the table.

"What are you smoking? Hurry up and go in and put on your clothes. It's unseemly for you to do this." Dugu Sheng glanced at him with sharp eyes.

Feng Ren's small body trembled.

Baili Qinxue smiled calmly: "You have behaved very well, so there is no need to do this at all."

Feng Ren's eyes lit up again, he tilted his head, and smiled directly at Baili Qinxue, "If the boss said so, that's great, I'll go on to sleep."

... Pig, still sleeping.

As soon as Feng Ren entered the room, Dugu Sheng raised his lips and smiled contemptuously, "Actually, I think we should help him grab some medicine."

Baili Qinxue laughed out loud, "What medicine?"

Dugu Sheng teased, "Heals the brain."


It was just one night, and on the second day, people were spreading rumors, saying that in a forest outside Moon City, the number of monsters living in it had decreased a lot overnight, which depressed the people who practiced there.

Moreover, that phenomenon only happened not long after Teacher Helan disappeared. However, everyone in the city knew that Teacher Helan was crippled. Naturally, no one connected the disappearance of the monster with a disabled person. I didn't think it was so strange, it was just a coincidence.

As for the disappearance of the monster, it may have been secretly hunted and killed by the trainee...

"Do you think the disappearance of the monster has something to do with Teacher Helan?" Baili Qinxue sat in the room and asked casually.

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips and smiled charmingly, "A person who has lost his fighting spirit is worse than an ordinary person, how can he make the monster disappear overnight, unless he got some kind of opportunity, some kind of sinister technique..."

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, he raised his eyebrows and his voice was faint, which sounded scary.

He was trying to scare people on purpose, Baili Qinxue knew about his peeing nature.

When it comes to insidious exercises, Baili Qinxue suddenly showed an extremely ugly and disgusting face, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and her hairs stood on end involuntarily.

Seeing that something was wrong with her, Dugu Sheng hurriedly asked: "Axue, what's wrong with you, what are you thinking about?"


(End of this chapter)

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