Chapter 135 Do Your Best (Part Five)

"Sister..." Dugu Sheng's expression froze, his eyes were cold, it didn't look like a child should have an expression, he held his fingertips tightly, but his body was too small and delicate, he couldn't do anything well.

Baili Qinxue wiped the blood from her mouth, stood up and comforted him: "Don't worry too much, I can still fight."

Dugu Sheng stood there stomping his feet and pursing his lips.

Baili Qinxue took several pills of returning to the gods, and then swallowed the little pill in one gulp, and the scars and fatigue disappeared in an instant. She thought about it and took the blood-activating pill again. At this moment, she felt a strong force The power flows through the whole body.

Is this the effect of Huoxue Pill? It can dredge tendons and improve strength, so magical!

Baili Qinxue waved her magic staff, moving back and forth around the Fire Cloud Beast vigorously and sensitively, and the magic flames in her hand kept attacking the Fire Cloud Beast. After eating the Huoxue Pill, her magic power was even stronger. After a while, the skin on the Fire Cloud Beast's body continuously bloomed and cracked under the burning.

The sound of "呲呲味味" suddenly sounded, as if it was grilling meat, and there was a smell of burnt meat in the air, mixed with the smell of blood, making people sick and unbearable.

Baili Qinxue pursed her red lips, and her men attacked more fiercely.

The Fire Cloud Beast raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, the sky was filled with dust all of a sudden, and even the world was shaken. Baili Qinxue hurriedly used her sleeve to block the dust, but the Fire Cloud Beast took advantage of the gap and kicked her away.

"Pfft—" A mouthful of blood spurted out.

Baili Qinxue lay down on the ground clutching her chest. She injured the Fire Cloud Beast in many places, but it did not weaken its strength, but made it even more insane. She pursed her lips, and the wound on her body seemed to be Being run over by the wheels made her very painful.

Dugu Sheng rushed to help her up, there was worry in his eyes and even a hint of awe-inspiring coldness, "Sister, are you alright?"

Baili Qinxue rubbed off the blood stains around her mouth, swallowed a small Huandan, shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I can continue to fight."

"Sister..." Dugu Sheng clenched his fists tightly, his eyes seemed to be stained with ice and snow.

"Little Baozi, stay away and leave everything to my sister." Baili Qinxue waved her staff and hit her head-on. Dugu Sheng stood in the distance and could only watch her fight alone. sleeves.

Dugu Sheng clenched his fists and gathered his energy. Suddenly, there was a gust of wind blowing towards the Fire Cloud Beast. The strong wind was continuous, not considered strong, but it could confuse the Fire Cloud Beast's eyes.

Baili Qinxue's eyes lit up, it was an excellent opportunity to attack the Fire Cloud Beast, but she didn't know where the wind came from.

Dugu Sheng's face was pale, his expression darkened when he saw his chubby paws, he swallowed the Rejuvenation Pill, and his face turned rosy.

He swallowed one pill after another, trying to gather his energy.

Baili Qinxue and the Huoyun Beast fought inseparably. Although there was a strong wind to help, it was too difficult for the sixth-level low-level to go up to the eighth-level high-level.

At this moment, a few wisps of flames suddenly sprang up from the Fire Cloud Beast's body, and then slowly spread to the whole body. When the hooves stepped on the ground, a raging fire would appear, which could burn the ground.

The Fire Cloud Beast whose whole body is on fire!

Baili Qinxue was shocked, even the Fire Cloud Beast, which was only capable of breathing fire, was difficult to deal with, let alone the Fire Cloud Beast whose body was covered in flames. Baili Qinxue clenched her staff tightly and took several steps back.

The Fire Cloud Beast leapt forward, roaring angrily.

In an instant, the sky was full of dust again, the ground shook and the mountains shook, Dugu Sheng's face turned pale, and he rolled on the ground several times like a weak autumn leaf.


(End of this chapter)

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