Chapter 1352 Two Wild People

Before they were shy for a long time, the two people on the stage once again surprised everyone.

Intensive magic once again swept everyone's eyes, and a big crack opened in the middle of the ring, like the boundary of the Chu River separating the two of them.

The two watched from a distance, and the fighting intent in their eyes became more and more intense. The two of them were originally the kind of calm people, but today they seemed to have been opened a checkpoint, and bunches of hot flames rose in their eyes. The flames grew stronger and stronger, and the corners of the mouths of the two also raised an arc.

A warm and crazy smile.

Both of them were like giant sleeping beasts, calm and indifferent, as if they didn't care about anything, but today some kind of checkpoint was opened, which made them completely deviate from their usual appearance.

So what's next?
The students were so excited that they all stood up and shouted enthusiastically, as if they wanted to vent all the blood in their bodies.

Wrestle again, entangle...

The two are like fierce beasts vying for territory on the grassland. Once they start fighting, they will never stop until the last bit of magic is drained.

"It's the first time I've seen President Cang be so crazy, so wild..." Chu Yuedao opened his mouth wide, and couldn't believe that the man fighting in the arena was their President Cang.

Both Bai Xie and Yun Shen swallowed their saliva, "We can't believe it...but it's so delicious."

Normally, Cang Molian looks like a quiet and clear fairy, but now she looks like a ferocious beast inspired by the smell of blood, so powerful and wild.

Qin Ge was also stunned for a moment, and when he came back to his senses, he said with a smile: "A ferocious beast that has been silent for many years will naturally show a different appearance when it sees a prey that suits its appetite. However, if little Mo Lian If this happens again, I will be fascinated to death..."

The corner of Chu Yuedao's mouth twitched, what was the second half of the sentence, it was so perverted.

"Oh my god, the arena is about to be demolished..."

I don't know which student shouted, and everyone noticed the ring under their feet.

The arena has already been torn apart.

The students were startled suddenly, how much strength is needed to do this, if all these magics hit them... oh my god, it would turn into meat sauce.

Without giving the students a chance to breathe, the two kinds of magic rampaged and intersected again. The two blazing and dazzling magics continued to spread out on the ring with a powerful impact.

The students were startled, and even felt that they were constricted to breathe.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, they actually...increased the power of magic several times!
This rhythm really wants to squeeze out the last drop of magic, but their magic is so strong, if they insist on squeezing it out... I'm afraid it will be very dangerous.

"My God, it's the first time I've seen Xuanyuan Po hold such persistent enthusiasm." Mu Liu blinked her eyes, feeling super miraculous.

Wei Nanzi and Feng Ren have been dumbfounded for a long time.

How will the outcome of this feast be, they dare not miss it.

"Look, Ah Xue, they have increased the power of magic again." Dugu Sheng crossed his chest, his face still calm.

Improved again?

Baili Qinxue looked over and couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

It really improved...

The powerful impact almost made all the students dizzy, but Baili Qinxue and the others were fine.

The moment the magic light dissipated, the students saw that the arena that was still torn apart just now had already turned into a pile of powder.


(End of this chapter)

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