Chapter 1356 Looking at the stars again?
Baili Qinxue looked at Youlan in the center and smiled, "I see, if it can be blue, it must be very beautiful."

"Master, do you think I'm pretty?"

A furry thing rubbed against her feet.

Baili Qinxue looked down and was startled again, "Little blue bird, you have grown up."

It was originally a thin and small blue bird, but now it has become fatter, the feathers on its body have become brighter and brighter, and the green feathers on the tail have also grown a little. It looks like an adult Qingluan, majestic, and very airy.

There were so many surprises today, Baili Qinxue was a little excited.

"It's all thanks to the master." The little blue bird hugged Baili Qinxue's thigh.

Baili Qinxue picked it up and played with it in her hands.

"Violent girl, I also want to make a contract with you." The stupid cat scratched her trousers.

It was only then that Baili Qinxue remembered that she wanted to give the stupid cat to the four thieves at the beginning, so there was no contract at all when she brought it out. Now that the stupid cat has helped her so much, she is a little reluctant to give it.

Also, last time Zhao Yu and the others didn't participate in the fantasy treasure hunt, Baili Qinxue also promised to find some good things for them.

Now that I am busy, I have forgotten all about it.

She found a lot of good things, such as god-level black iron and rune stones, but would they be scared to death if they were taken out?
Baili Qinxue thought for a while, and prepared to take it easy, contract the stupid cat first, and wait until later.

She bit her finger, blood dripped, and in an instant, a ray of golden light shrouded them, and when the light dissipated, the contract was completed.

Stupid Cat's whole body was full of strength, and it felt so complete.

Baili Qinxue smiled, stayed in the space for a while, and then stepped out.

She stayed in the space for a long time, and when she went out, it was actually dark.

The room was also quiet, presumably they all knew she was practicing, so they didn't come in to disturb her.

When Baili Qinxue opened the door and went out, she saw Dugu Sheng sitting in the yard basking in the moonlight, and the others were nowhere to be seen.

"Where are the others?" Baili Qinxue approached with a flick of her sleeve.

Dugu Sheng's eyes lit up, he stood up and put his arms around her shoulders, "They're out to eat big fish and meat, and I'm the only one waiting for you in the courtyard, look how nice I am."

He raised his eyebrows, pouted his mouth, and his bright eyes were stained with the light of the moon.

Baili Qinxue laughed, thinking that he looked like a coquettish big cat, so she stood on tiptoe and rubbed his head, "Have you eaten yet?"

Dugu Sheng's eyes lit up, and he clasped her little hand directly, saying: "Of course I didn't eat, I'm waiting for you, you have advanced..."

Dugu Sheng was pleasantly surprised, feeling the change in her, he was happier than he advanced.

Baili Qinxue didn't hide it, nodded and admitted, "It's like last time, all the five magics are advanced together, and the fire and water have reached the eighth intermediate level."

Dugu Sheng bent his lips and laughed, "Other people will definitely be pissed off if they find out."

His Axue is really amazing, what a treasure.

"That's why, don't let others know." Baili Qinxue laughed, took his big hand that was messing around with her backhand, and said, "Don't make trouble, are you hungry? Let's go out to eat?"

"Go outside to buy something and pack it up, we'll eat while looking at the stars." Dugu Sheng held his chin, his eyes lingering on her bright red mouth.

Baili Qinxue glanced at him, "Looking at the stars again?"

Dugu Sheng nodded, his gaze became even hotter.

Baili Qinxue sensed something was wrong, but did not refuse.

The two bought a chicken and a pack of beef from outside, and jumped onto the eaves.


(End of this chapter)

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