Chapter 1372 Unsettled Night

"Don't think too much." Dugu Sheng laughed and squeezed her palm, "Who do you think will send perverts to play with us?"

Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, trying to suppress the emotions in her heart, "If it's should be Ye Qianqiu who had a conflict with us just now."

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, "I also think that that kid is so stingy, and he's so bad when he's drunk, he must have sent a pervert to teach us a lesson."

Baili Qinxue smiled, and then said: "He is a great summoner. He was defeated by a little magician like me. Of course he feels uncomfortable."

"Summoner..." Dugu Sheng put his arms around his chest and laughed softly.

With a teasing laugh, full of sarcasm, he moved his thin lips again, "He's the only one who is still a summoner... did you find anything when Ashue fought with him?"

Baili Qinxue recalled it, frowned, and looked a little ugly, "It doesn't feel very good, it's disgusting, all his creatures are entwined with black light, and when the light shines, it always makes people very depressed, the breath of a summoner It's not pure, it must have practiced some kind of evil kung fu."

Dugu Sheng rested his chin and thought, "There are so many strange things hidden in this continent..."

"Yeah, it's really strange." Baili Qinxue pulled Dugu Sheng back, "The disappearance of the monster in the forest outside the city must have something to do with the mysterious man just now."

Baili Qinxue suddenly remembered the mysterious person next to Ye Qianqiu, and she paused.

Dugu Sheng asked: "What's wrong?"

"Did you notice just now that the mysterious man next to Ye Qianqiu walks mechanically like a puppet?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and narrowed her eyes.

Dugu Sheng thought back, and quickly nodded, "I noticed, the aura on his body is as weird as Ye Qianqiu's, and he must be a pervert."

"Tell me, what kind of face will he have under his hat?" Baili Qinxue squinted and asked, thinking a little more in her heart.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, "It must be extremely ugly."

Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, the cold light in her eyes faded, she yawned lazily and said: "Forget it, I won't think about it, I'm so sleepy, let's go back and rest."

"Let's go." Dugu Sheng retracted the expression in his eyes, and smiled with his lips curled up.

The night was heavy, and above the Qionglou in the distance, there seemed to be many figures swaying above it. This night is not calm.

The second day was calmer than expected.

A group of people sat in the residence and drank a few bowls of porridge. The millet porridge tasted good with small cucumbers.

"Little sister, what did you guys do yesterday?" Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows ambiguously with a small cucumber in his mouth.

Baili Qinxue looked into his bright eyes, raised her eyebrows, and said in a low voice: "I didn't do anything, I just watched the stars upstairs for a while."

"Hey, look at the stars?" Zhao Yu licked the little cucumber on his lips, but he still hasn't swallowed it, it's really disgusting.

Wei Nanzi tapped the back of his hand with chopsticks, his face was serious and full of disgust, "Don't eat or sleep, don't talk, let me eat the little cucumber on the side of his mouth, don't keep showing it, it's disgusting, what about your rules?"

Zhao Yu directly retracted and took a few bites, before adding, "A Zi, you are so boring, no wonder you haven't found a wife yet."

Wei Nanzi frowned, gritted his teeth, "Each..."


(End of this chapter)

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