Chapter 1386 Familiar sword?
It didn't make much sense, but when they saw it, they were stunned.

The woman has an alluring posture, with snow-white skin, and a plain white robe can hardly conceal the aura of Tsinghua on her body. The man is extremely handsome, with twinkling eyes, with charm and sharpness hidden, and a red dress that stretches the floor is full of coquettishness.

Wow, it's so beautiful, so temperamental, and so young.

While the soldiers were in a daze, Baili Qinxue had already withdrawn the two tokens, "Can we go in now?"

She raised her eyebrows, her voice was cold.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the faces of the soldiers, they nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, you can go in..."

Just when the two wanted to go in, five or six people came out of the forest.

Five or six big, tall, and thick men, with killing blood on their bodies, and a bit of fierce look in their eyes, walked swaggeringly, and filled the exits in an instant.

Seeing that there was no way out, the two could only retreat to one side.

"Several, have you received a mission and want to go out?" The soldiers asked them with some dog legs.

There is a leader among them, wearing a neat coarse linen clothes, with a beard growing on his chin, a standard rude man, "Yeah, hahaha, when I return from the mission, I will buy some drinks for the military masters come over."

The eyes of the soldiers lit up when they heard that there was wine.

I have been guarding here these days, and it is difficult to see even the meat. Fortunately, this group of people helped to bring it, so I must flatter them.

"Thank you Lord Bao for bringing us wine, and be careful on your way."

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.

Lord Leopard?

Who are these people who can make these soldiers nod and bow.

Baili Qinxue glanced at the leader Leopard Lord, with a trace of doubt in her eyes, she lowered her eyes again, and her eyes fell on the saber at his waist, she couldn't help frowning, feeling a little familiar.

She squinted her eyes and continued to look at it calmly. The more she looked, the more familiar she looked, but she couldn't tell where this familiarity came from.

Dugu Sheng squeezed her palm, "What's wrong?"

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, "It's nothing, I just feel that the leader's saber is somewhat familiar."

"Familiar?" Dugu Sheng's eyes darkened slightly, then he laughed again, "I'll get it for A Xue."

Baili Qinxue pushed his shoulder and said with a smile: "I just came here, don't cause trouble for me, it's just a small saber, don't need to mobilize people."

Dugu Sheng shrugged, "Alright then."

That Lord Leopard had already left with his people.

As soon as they left, Baili Qinxue asked casually, "Are they also trainees in the Demonic Beast Forest?"

The soldiers laughed: "How is it possible? Just look at Lord Bao's demeanor and you will know that he is not an ordinary person. Let me tell you, there is a mercenary union deep in this monster forest. That Lord Bao is a member of the mercenary union." , and also has a lot of positions in the trade union, which is quite prestigious."

Baili Qinxue rolled her eyes, it turned out that there was a mercenary union in the Warcraft Forest.

The soldiers seemed to open their mouths and continued: "If you enter the forest, don't provoke the mercenary union. If you do, your life in the forest will be difficult. They can decide whether you can If you hunt a monster, will you have a good place to rest, and will be the arbiter who will rescue you when you are in danger."

These things...the two of them will not be afraid.


(End of this chapter)

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