Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1388 I am responsible for the beauty!

Chapter 1388 I am responsible for the beauty!
After a long time, she rubbed her wrists and smiled cruelly, "It's been a long time since I hunted monsters, and my hands feel so itchy... You still had a chance to save your life, but you didn't want this chance."

The monsters probably understood what she was saying, and raised their heads and roared.

"Big Baozi, you are watching the show on the sidelines. Give me these demons."

After the voice fell, Baili Qinxue condensed wood-type magic, and in an instant, all the monsters were enveloped in the vines.

Dugu Sheng lifted his robe and sat down, propped his head on one hand, and smiled charmingly, "Axue wants me to be in charge of being beautiful, are you in charge of the charge, ma'am, you treat me so well."


Baili Qinxue blushed and almost smoked.

She pursed her lips, and in order to conceal her restlessness, she directly vented her anger on the monster. She condensed the fire magic and directly burned the monster surrounded by vines to pieces.


The monsters roared up to the sky.

In an instant, the sound was annihilated, and their bodies were all turned into coke.

Baili Qinxue put away her magic and walked back, Dugu Sheng had already picked up the things thrown by the woman in yellow and put them in her hands to play with.

"It's rosemary." Baili Qinxue knew it without even looking at it.

Dugu Sheng put Rosemary down and said with a smile, "Madam is smart."

Baili Qinxue bit her lip, lowered her eyes, her fair face was once again stained with crimson, "What madam, don't mess around..."

Dugu Sheng pouted, patted his robe, stood up, and said: "You didn't react much when Qing Ge called you like that, it was obviously acquiescence, why did you react so strongly when you came to my side, you were shy."

He raised his lips and smiled wryly.

Baili Qinxue took a deep breath, a little dumbfounded, "I don't want to argue with the ancient beasts."

Dugu Sheng put on a look of disbelief, and continued to laugh.

Baili Qinxue ignored him, and kicked Rosemary aside to extinguish it, "The woman in yellow just now is smart, and knows that disasters can lead to trouble. If it weren't for our good strength, we would have become a meal for monsters."

After all, her eyes turned cold.

Well done, let them be your shield...

Dugu Sheng raised his black hair on his shoulders, and a sharp flash of light flashed in his eyes, "I think, that woman in yellow also practiced in the forest, and the forest is only that big, if I meet..."

He didn't go on, but he laughed sinisterly a few times.

"If we meet, we can pay it back." Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and said directly.

Dugu Sheng narrowed his eyes and smiled more sinisterly.

After the bloody battle just now, the monsters seemed to have seen the tragedy just now, and they didn't come out for a while. Baili Qinxue couldn't help laughing when she knew what the monsters were thinking.

"This group of guys didn't dare to come out when they saw how powerful we are." Baili Qinxue pursed her lips.

Dugu Sheng raised his eyebrows, and a beautiful haze fell in his eyes, "They don't want to die, they are still smart."

After walking a few steps, Baili Qinxue saw a bonfire not far away, and there were still a few wisps of smoke coming out faintly, presumably other trainees lit a fire here to eat.

Baili Qinxue didn't want to stay with other trainees, so she pointed to the big tree beside her.

Dugu Sheng understood, grabbed Baili Qinxue's waist and climbed up the tree, "Axue didn't want to get involved with other trainees, so she chose to walk on the tree, and then passed them silently."


(End of this chapter)

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