Chapter 1395 Hit my cartilage powder!
Ling Feng looked at her with some disgust.

"Don't touch those gold coins, let's see what good things are on them."

Ling Miao pointed to Ye Huansha's interspatial ring and said, "What are you searching for? There must be many good things in Miss Ye's interspatial ring."

Space Ring!

Ling Feng's eyes lit up. The Ye family has such a deep family background. I heard that there was a summoner. Although he was dead, it caused a great sensation. Such a powerful Ye family must have many good treasures .

He took off the space ring from Ye Huansha's hand. The ring was contracted, so he couldn't detect what was inside.

"Miss Ye, let's discuss something." Ling Feng smiled innocently, "As long as you release the contract of the ring, I will let you go. What do you think?"

Who would believe this nonsense?
Ye Huansha bent her lips, and smiled coldly, "Aren't you the ones who kill people and seize treasures? Presumably, you are the same way to deceive others to cancel the contract, and then wait for the opportunity to kill them. Do you think I will be fooled?"

"Bitch, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine." Ling Feng was furious, wishing he could slap her to death.

Ye Huansha stared coldly, "I, Ye Huansha, was also scared, so I'm not afraid of you."

Ling Miao smiled tenderly, her eyes were reflected in the moonlight, and there seemed to be water flowing slowly inside, "Brother, Miss Ye is beautiful, if we cut her cheek, do you think she will submit obediently? "

On the verge of death, Ye Huansha was still drooling at Ling Miao's eyes.

She moved and tied the rope, but she felt confident. As she moved, she delayed the time and said, "Actually, Sister Ling Miao just needs to give me one thing, and I will obediently cancel the contract. It doesn't need to be so troublesome." .”

"What exactly do you want?" Ling Miao was a little curious, and had heard these words more than once.

Ye Huansha looked wildly, "I want your eyes, those beautiful eyes, I want to treasure them..."

After all, she laughed out loud, and her laughter was creepy.

Ling Miao laughed and took a step back, this damn is a pervert.

"You let us brothers and sisters walk with you, is that the idea?"

Ye Huansha nodded wildly, "Otherwise, the two little pariahs are also worthy of walking with this lady?"

"Brother, kill her, this bitch actually covets your sister's eyes, she doesn't want to live anymore." Ling Miao pointed at her nose and scolded very heartily.

Ye Huansha licked the corner of her mouth, the smile in her eyes never faded.

Ling Feng was just about to make a move...

Ye Huansha actually broke the rope, she jumped up, threw a handful of white powder at the two of them, and quickly untied the rope on the housekeeper.

"Stupid, this girl is so smart, how could she be caught by you." Ye Huansha snatched back the space ring and kicked Ling Feng again.

At this moment……

There was a sound of movement from the front, Ye Huansha wondered, who came so late?

Could it be that he came to kill people and seize treasures again?

"Brother Leopard, we have traced Feng Miao Shuangsha, they should have fled to this place." A young voice came over.

"Then look for it quickly, if you can't find the golden coin, it will be gone." A rough voice came.

The two brothers and sisters of the Ling family trembled when they heard this, but the powder that Ye Huansha sprinkled was not ordinary powder, but cartilage powder that could make people's whole body go limp.

"Feng Miao Shuang Sha?" Ye Huansha laughed loudly, her eyes fell on the brothers and sisters of the Ling family, "They seem to be looking for you..."


(End of this chapter)

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