Chapter 1399 Terrible Toil...

There is longing in their eyes. After all, if a mercenary completes a certain task, he can get a large amount of gold coins, which is enough to make people spend a while.

But the risk is high enough to sacrifice one's life.

The two looked around, but they didn't see the shadow of Master Bao.

There is a beautiful woman in the hall who accepts the entrusted task. She is wearing a light pink robe, revealing her round and fair shoulders. Her face is as big as a goose egg, with a pair of grape-like big black eyes inlaid on it. It can earn some face for the mercenary union.

"You two, are you here to be a mercenary, or to entrust a mission?" The woman smiled coquettishly, her eyes seemed to be full of spring, she was indeed a perfect stunner.

"We are here to entrust the task." Baili Qinxue raised her lips, quite proudly said.

The woman continued to ask: "I don't know what task you two want to entrust, do you have designated mercenaries?"

Dugu Sheng found it interesting, and squeezed Baili Qinxue's palm again.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "This task is quite important. We have heard of the reputation of the mercenary union Lord Bao, so we want to assign the task to him and hope that he can take over the task today. .”

Lord Leopard?

The woman couldn't help but pause, and a trace of apology flashed in her eyes, "I'm so sorry, Lord Bao just received a difficult task today, and it will take two or three days to come back. If you two are in a hurry If so, you can hand over the task to other people in our trade union, we have more than one outstanding person here, Lord Bao."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, there was an uproar outside.

Then, a figure came in from the outside, it was a tall and burly man, surrounded by many well-trained mercenaries behind him.

The man was wearing a neat and strong suit, with a long sword on his waist. Baili Qinxue's eyes flickered, and he raised his head a little, only then did he see the man's face clearly.

The man has a serious expression and a serious face. Extending from his left eye, there is a deep scar. If the scar is covered, he will be very handsome. The man's age is about 25 or [-] years old.

Baili Qinxue glanced again and saw the man walking over.

He strode forward, his sword jingling as he moved.

The man's sharp eyes swept across the white screen, he tore it up with his hand, and walked outside with the task.

It took less than a cup of tea from coming in to tearing off the mission. This man's speed in choosing missions is really fast.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and looked away.

"Our president Bai is really manly." When the man left, the woman blinked her eyes, and said, "The most powerful mercenary in our union is our president Bai. As long as Bai Hui As long as you get started, any task can be completed in a short time, if you are really in a hurry, you can hand over the task to Chairman Bai, and ensure that it will be completed beautifully."

The president of the mercenary union, do you want to accept the entrustment mission?
Shouldn't you be sitting in the box, counting money standing, sitting, or lying down?

Baili Qinxue asked casually, "Does the president also need to accept the task?"

The woman held her face and laughed, "Our president is busy, and when he is idle, his hands will itch. When his hands itch, he will take on the task, and he will get used to it over time."

It's a terrible toil...

Baili Qinxue smiled, but said nothing.


(End of this chapter)

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