Chapter 1406 Tell me obediently...

Baili Qinxue saw that something was wrong with him, raised her lips and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, just tell us how you got it?"

Her eyes are cold, with a bit of sharpness, which seems to be able to hide people's ugliness without a shadow.

Lord Bao's heart trembled, and he confessed without disappointment, "I saw that this sword is very good, so I took it from that man and used it for myself."

Take it and use it for yourself?
Baili Qinxue's eyes grew colder, "Please explain to me clearly, how did you take away the sword, how did you take away the sword from that person?"

With a questioning question, Lord Bao felt that the blood in his whole body was frozen. He was like a puppet, and he said stupidly: "I saw that he was fighting to the death with a group of monsters. All the servants under him died. Only He is still alive, he is very powerful, but there are many monsters, I just watched and didn't dare to go up to help."

Baili Qinxue exerted more force, the cold hilt of the sword made her palm hurt, "And then?"

Lord Bao tried to recall, and finally, his pupils shrank and his body trembled, "Then, he defeated the group of little monsters. The leader of the monsters probably retreated after eating... But he was still seriously injured, I saw His sword is very good, so he wants to keep it for himself."

The leading monster?
"What is the leading monster?" Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes.

Master Leopard trembled, "That magical beast is very big, very big, very big... every step the forest shakes, our forest has been persecuted by it for a long time, but it has never been able to kill it..."

Papa Baili was seriously injured by that monster?
Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes coldly, "Go on, what happens after he is seriously injured?"

"After the serious injury...he won't give me the sword." Lord Bao gritted his teeth, his body still shaking, "That old stubborn man was holding the sword desperately, but he didn't give it to me, so I killed him with my hands, so that I can get rid of it." Take the sword."

kill him?

Baili Qinxue's face was gloomy, and veins popped out on the back of her white hands.

"You said, you killed him?"

If Lord Bao didn't do it, her father Baili would definitely not have died.

"That's right, I killed him and took his sword..." Lord Bao was stunned for a moment, and after he finished speaking, he was stunned. Said it all?

He raised his eyes cautiously and was taken aback.

Baili Qinxue's eyes were gloomy and frightening, seeming to be flickering with a strong murderous aura, which made people suffocate.

Lord Bao opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't say a word.

"You said, you killed him?" Baili Qinxue smashed the sword directly on the ground, and with a "ding dong", a crack appeared on the ground instantly.

Master Bao was dumbfounded, obviously frightened.

"You actually killed him for a sword." Baili Qinxue picked up Master Bao's collar, smashed him to the ground, picked him up again, and smashed him again.

so repeatedly.

Lord Bao was hit so hard that his eyes were staring, his head was bleeding, "Why did you hit me, I told you everything I know, can't you let me go?"

"Let go?" Baili Qinxue sneered, and swears straight away, "He's my father, so my mother will let you go?"

After all, he stepped on Master Bao's chest.

Master Bao's eyes were wide open, and he didn't dare to speak. Is that middle-aged man who was seriously injured her father?
It's over, it's definitely over today.


(End of this chapter)

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