Chapter 1408 Chairman Bai is here!
Could it be that it?

Was it the one that hurt Papa Baili?

The house was still shaking, as if it would collapse in an instant.

Baili Qinxue tugged at Dugu Sheng's sleeve, and said: "The house seems to have collapsed, let's get out."

Dugu Sheng went out with his arms around her.

As soon as I went out, I saw a lot of people gathered outside, it seemed that people from the whole small town had gathered together, their eyes were full of panic, and they were discussing something in a hurry.

"Where is Lord Bao, why isn't Lord Bao coming out?" a younger brother shouted.

Another younger brother said: "I went to Master Bao's room just before I left, but I didn't see anyone from Master Bao. Miss Ye, have you seen Master Bao?"

Ye Huansha shook her head, rather resentful said: "In the middle of the night, how could I, a girl, see Lord Bao."

She was frightened, and at this moment, the housekeeper was supporting her.

When the younger brothers heard this, they pursed their lips and walked aside, "So, Miss Ye interrupted."

Where did Lord Leopard go?

"It's the big monster that came. Over the years, that big monster has been doing all kinds of mischief in the forest, so that those who come to practice have never returned, and their life and death are unknown."

"Yeah, that magical beast is scary, it doesn't even spit out bones when it eats people."

"People from the Mercenary Union have been fighting against it for a long time, but they have never wiped out this cheap thing..."

The crowd was discussing constantly, and their voices were full of tremors.

With a "bang", a piece of wood fell down.

The sound of the plank falling to the ground aroused all the fear hidden in people's hearts.

They yelled and yelled, some even held their heads and hid in a corner trembling.

Baili Qinxue clenched her fingertips and watched coldly.

Passing through the other side of the small town, Baili Qinxue seemed to see a huge guy swaying in the night.

"Big Baozi, did you see anything?" She narrowed her eyes and asked.

Dugu Sheng laughed, "I seem to see a small black shadow moving over there."

"I've seen it too, and I feel that its aura is very strong and weird." Baili Qinxue clenched her fingertips, and she didn't dare to act until she understood the situation.

Dugu Sheng's eyes darkened, "Indeed, it's so weird that I can't tell what kind it is."

It's really weird for him to say that...

The ground was still shaking, the house was shaking, and the big guy over there was pacing, getting closer.

Baili Qinxue's expression turned serious.

At this moment……

Lights flashed from not far away, from far to near, and in an instant, they came to the eyes.

The lights were a bit dazzling, and Baili Qinxue subconsciously covered her eyes with her hands.

"Oh my god, it's President Bai who's President Bai who came to save us." Someone yelled, and everyone started commotion, and the terrifying atmosphere was replaced by bursts of joy.

Baili Qinxue's expression moved slightly, she hurriedly moved her hand away, and raised her eyes to have a look.

I saw a large number of people rushing towards this side. They looked like well-trained soldiers, with neat footsteps, high spirits, and straight backs. The leader was the president Bai that Baili Qinxue saw in the morning.

He walked slowly from the night, his face was still serious and cold, the corners of his lips were drawn into a straight line, and his strong and tall body carried a strong sense of security. In an instant, he pulled people back from the abyss of terror.

In the eyes of everyone, President Bai is like a god.

But in Ye Huansha's night, Chairman Bai is the most beautiful treasure...


(End of this chapter)

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