Chapter 1414 Why are you blocking my eyes?
"Dog slave, let me go..."

Ye Huansha was dragged out by the housekeeper, and the scolding gradually faded away.

As soon as Ye Huansha and the others left, Baili Qinxue raised her head and laughed softly, "Do you think Ye Huansha will obediently go with the housekeeper?"

Her eyes are bright, with a bright and crystal smile, so... damn pretty.

Dugu Sheng subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover her eyes, fearing that he would do something bad if he rushed forward, "A pervert like Ye Huansha will definitely not follow the housekeeper obediently."

Baili Qinxue blinked her eyes, and her fluttering eyelashes lightly brushed across Dugu Sheng's palm. In an instant, a thin itchy feeling swept over her body. Dugu Sheng was startled, and subconsciously withdrew her hand.

"Why did you block my eyes just now?" Baili Qinxue was puzzled, "Why are you withdrawing your hand now, looking a little panicked?"

She put down her chopsticks, as if she knew where his panic came from, she blinked narrowly.

Dugu Sheng lowered his eyes, and took a mouthful of rice indiscriminately, "It's nothing, let's eat first, eat..."

Baili Qinxue raised her lips, concentrating on admiring his flustered appearance.

After dinner, the two wandered around the union.

Chairman Bai Ran originally said that after dinner, he would discuss the plan of the crusade, but no one knew where he had gone. He only found out after asking other mercenaries. Chairman Bai Ran took some mercenaries away to help people in small towns build houses. went.

I didn't see Ye Huansha along the way, so she might have been taken away by the housekeeper.

"No way, they were taken away?" Dugu Sheng scratched his head and pursed his lips, "I thought I could see some good show."

Baili Qinxue smiled and said nothing.

There was a fighting arena in the backyard of the mercenary union. When the two broke in at will, they heard movement from inside.

The two looked at each other and walked forward enthusiastically.

The fighting arena, as the name suggests, is for mercenaries to learn from each other. It is just a simple match, without any prizes, and it will not hurt their lives.

At this time, many people surrounded the arena.

"Yesterday, you little bitch was so shameless that you even said that you would fight against the big guy with Chairman Bai." A mercenary was indignant and ignored Ye Huansha at all.

Ye Huansha had an argument with the housekeeper, but unexpectedly, she was led to the arena by these ugly mercenaries.

"Who are you to talk to Miss Ben like this?" Ye Huansha put her hands on her hips, full of momentum, "Do you know who I am?"

The butler stood aside and rubbed his hair in frustration.

The mercenary said: "I'm Qi Zhe from the mercenary union. Although I'm not as famous as Lord Leopard, I'm still a prominent figure in the guild. You, a little girl who was killed halfway, can actually make the president treat you like a distinguished guest." Treat me, I really don't accept it."

Ye Huansha approached with a flick of her sleeves, and asked again, "Do you know who I am?"

Qi Zhe laughed, with disgust in his eyes, "It's just a concubine of the Ye family. I heard that a summoner appeared in the Ye family a few days ago. Maybe it was just a young boy who was killed because of the big tree. Dead, tsk tsk, how pitiful."

This man named Qi Zhe really stinks.

Ye Huansha gritted her teeth and almost raised her fist to hit him, "I really cut off your head for collection."

Head, collection?
For some reason, Qi Zhe's mind suddenly went blank, and his limbs suddenly became stiff.

He bit his lip, and said bravely: "You little girl is really arrogant, you said you have what ability to join our crusade team, do you want to drag us back?"


(End of this chapter)

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