Chapter 1417 I want to compete with you!
Qi Zhe was furious, "Bitch, tell me who is shameless?"

Ye Huansha laughed, "Of course it's you, why aren't you shameless when you hit a woman?"

The butler walked up to the arena and helped Ye Huansha down.

Qi Zhe wanted to go up to fight her, but was held back by the mercenaries on the side. They persuaded: "Brother Qi, don't do anything stupid. Although that bitch is being careful, she has indeed won. If Brother Qi is with you now If she makes trouble, she will definitely be gossiped about."

Qi Zhe was furious, "Then what should I do, am I being beaten for nothing?"

"Brother Qi, calm down." The other mercenaries cheered him up, and suddenly their eyes lit up, "Brother Qi, look over there, do you see that there is a man and a woman over there."

Qi Zhe looked up, and couldn't help frowning, "I see, what's wrong with that man and woman, they look really ugly."

Those mercenaries said: "Brother Qi, have you forgotten? They also volunteered to join the crusade team. Look at the two of them, they look so ordinary, and they must be very weak. Brother Qi, why don't you find some unhappiness from them? It can not only save face, but also slap the faces of those who volunteered to join the crusade team."

Ye Huansha volunteered to join, as did the man and woman.

If they could be defeated, wouldn't it be the same as defeating Ye Huansha?
Qi Zhe licked the corner of his lips, and immediately became excited.

"Brother Qi, hurry up and chase, the man and the woman are going to leave." The mercenaries reminded aloud.

Qi Zhe was startled, and hurriedly chased after him, "You two, please stay."

Qi Zhe's voice came from behind, Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng turned around together, their eyes were a little displeased.

"What's the matter?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and a gleam of condensation flickered in her eyes.

Qi Zhe's eyes widened suddenly. Although these two were ugly, they had an astonishing aura. Both of them had extremely deep eyes, containing a dangerous aura.

"What's the matter with you?" Baili Qinxue said again.

Dugu Sheng raised his lips, and when he looked at Qi Zhe, there was a strange smile in his eyes.

Qi Zhe swallowed his saliva, and soon recovered, he said: "I heard that you two also volunteered to join the crusade yesterday?"

Hearing the words, Baili Qinxue glanced at Qi Zhe in front of him, a strange emotion flashed in his eyes, "That's right, what advice does this dear friend have?"

Qi Zhe trembled, and his legs trembled uncontrollably. It was unreasonable to make a fool of himself in front of such ordinary people. He took a deep breath and quickly recovered.

"I want to compete with you, I want to see if you are qualified to join our crusade team." Qi Zhe couldn't help but raised his head and chest, with an air of superiority.

The other mercenaries applauded.

"Oh?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, looked at Qi Zhe's trembling eyes, and completely understood what was going on, "Do you want to compete, or do you have some other purpose, I'm afraid this dear friend You know best yourself."

After all, he cast a glance at Ye Huansha.

Ye Huansha caught her gaze, blinked innocently, shrugged, and looked like she was watching a show.

Baili Qinxue withdrew her gaze, and there was a smile in her eyes, which was so cold.

Qi Zhe bit the bullet, boldly said: "Of course I want to compete, what do you think it is?"

Dugu Sheng played with her little finger, completely ignoring them, "If you want to compete, let's do it, what are you talking about so much?"

He sneered, completely angering Qi Zhe.

"Good boy, are you arrogant?" Qi Zhe squinted and shouted angrily.


(End of this chapter)

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