Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 142 Have you heard of the big tree attracting the wind?

Chapter 142 Have you heard of the big tree attracting the wind?
Hearing that, the two of them finally calmed down a bit, and Zhao Yu was also sitting by the fire to warm himself up, the warm light of the fire reflected on his cheeks, which also made his thoughts clearer.

After a long while, he couldn't help turning his head to ask: "Speaking of which, we were fighting with the Fire Cloud Beast. That big guy was amazing. What happened after the stupid girl and I fainted?"

Wei Nanzi's eyes flickered, and he also frowned. He remembered that Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng were the only ones left after fainting. How could a woman and a little bun defeat the Fire Cloud Beast? How did they bring the three of them to the cave?
"At that time, after Wei Nanzi fainted, the Fire Cloud Beast became even more insane. Flames burst out all over its body, shocking all five of us several miles away. The Fire Cloud Beast also reached its limit and finally died suddenly. " Baili Qinxue added some dry branches to the fire, and said calmly: "The fire cloud beast just happened to shake the five of us to the entrance of the cave, and Xiao Baozi and I dragged you all in."

Dugu Sheng turned around, covering his lips and snickering, his sister's ability to lie is getting better and better, although there are too many loopholes in her words, but seeing her calm expression, it's hard for others to believe it or not.

Zhao Yu blinked suspiciously, and finally said with a smile: "Then we are really lucky to have escaped."

Wei Nanzi frowned and said nothing, thinking of the scene of being kicked out just now, she always felt a little ashamed.

Lin Wanwan was still lingering on the wild rabbit, she picked up the stinky bear, and pulled its ears hard, "The stinky bear is just too useless, the rabbit meat is useless..."

The smelly bear is struggling desperately, it wants to eat rabbit meat.

Baili Qinxue took a look at it, and couldn't help feeling amused.

"Speaking of which, little girl, you actually have pills." Zhao Yu took out the unfinished Huishen Pill and Xiaohuan Pill, each of which was fragrant and pure in color, "You didn't make it yourself, did you?"

Now that she took it out, Baili Qinxue didn't want to keep it a secret, she nodded generously and said, "Of course I made it myself, such an expensive thing, could it be that I bought it?"

Zhao Yu's eyes widened, feeling a little unbelievable, and it took him a while to digest the news. He put his hand on her shoulder and asked with a smile: "Since you know how to make alchemy, little sister, why haven't I heard you say that there are so many pills?" Surely you didn’t just learn it now, it will take a long time, right?”

"Not too long." The rabbit meat was roasted, Baili Qinxue gave them some, and he ate a rabbit leg, "Haven't you heard of the word "big tree attracts wind?"

Zhao Yu nodded knowingly. It turned out that she deliberately hid her clumsiness because she didn't want to be too sharp and get into trouble.

Wei Nanzi and Lin Wanwan were eating well, but they still listened carefully to their situation, and couldn't help being surprised when they heard that Baili Qinxue could make medicine.

"But I remembered when you asked me." Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes, "I hid so well, but today I was exposed in front of you, should I kill someone to keep my mouth shut?"

Zhao Yu paused, not expecting her to say that.

"Chicken leg, chicken leg, stop joking, A Yu is so timid that you frighten him." Lin Wanwan blinked his dead eyes, biting a piece of meat in his mouth, and said something vaguely.

Zhao Yu looked up, and saw that her eyes were full of narrowness, obviously she was joking.

"Little sister, don't say these scary words, it's scary." Zhao Yu raised his eyebrows, ready to take a bite of rabbit meat to suppress his shock, "You guys are all good people and won't go out and talk nonsense, you can rest assured , if you are worried, I swear that I will never go out and talk nonsense, otherwise, how about being abandoned by my younger brother every day?"


(End of this chapter)

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