Chapter 1426 It Can Summon Warcraft
The other mercenaries did not speak.

Qi Zhe pursed his lips, his face was a little ugly, but he said on his mouth: "President, what you said just now, we think the two of them are competent, and when they competed just now, their speed was so fast that we couldn't catch them at all. arrive."

Bai Ran was startled and said nothing.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the other mercenaries hurriedly said, "President Bai, Qi Zhe is right, their speed is really fast, we don't know what they did, and we lost .”

Bai Ran was taken aback again. He thought that although they were not injured, it was still a tough battle, but...

Hearing what they said, could it be that they won easily?

He bit his lip, and there were signs of looseness on his cold and hard face again, "If it's true what you say, then they are really suitable for this task..."

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng looked at each other.

Would it be overkill for them to attract big guys?

"I haven't seen your speed, so I dare not make a judgment, but if it's really that fast, I hope one of you can help us." Bai Ran said, with a sincere attitude, without putting on airs at all, "If the speed If it’s not enough, don’t hold back, the group of people I took with me last time became food for the big guys because of the hard work.”

This attitude is really good.

"President Bai, don't worry, our speed is enough." Baili Qinxue said with a smile: "We have taken over this task. As for who will rush in, please let us discuss it."

Bai Ran's clenched fists loosened slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, let's talk about other plans later."

Ye Huansha looked at Bairan obsessively. A serious man is the most attractive.

"After leading the big guy out..." Bai Ran picked up a large part of the flag and stuck it in the center, saying: "The warrior stepped forward to hold it back, and the magician cast magic on it from the rear."

Bai Ran pointed to the flag behind, and solemnly explained.

Baili Qinxue folded her arms around her chest and listened quietly.

His tactics sounded fine, but Baili Qinxue still felt something was wrong.

"The warrior is dragging in front, and the magician is attacking from behind, but how much damage has been done to it, who will give it a fatal wound?" Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her eyes lingering on Bairan's face.

Bai Ran was startled, and said: "Your question is very good. Since I am the president, I will leave this difficult question to me. I don't want anyone to die. I will try my best to protect you."

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue was startled, she really didn't expect him to say such words, aside from the coldness on his face, in fact, he must be a very gentle person in his heart.

"President Bai is a very gentle person, to say such things." Baili Qinxue smiled, "Then President Bai, do you know the big guy's every move?"

Bai Ran blushed a little after being praised by her, but quickly recovered, "Having fought with the big guy for several years, I naturally know the changes in the big guy's moves. It is very strange and different from other monsters."

Hearing this, Baili Qinxue was startled. Last night, she felt that the big guy's aura was a little weird.

She asked eagerly, "What's so weird?"

"It is a monster, and it can summon monsters to fight..." Bai Ran pursed his lips, even though he had fought with it for many years, it was still unbelievable.


(End of this chapter)

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