Chapter 1428 Is it another evil work?

Seeing the blood all over the floor, Ye Huansha was so frightened that she hid behind the housekeeper.

The mercenary took a deep breath, and finally said intermittently: "It just came to the town... It ate a lot of people, and we are no match... Many brothers died."

Bai Ran was shocked and dumbfounded.

"How come, didn't the big guy come here twice, why did he come again, and the interval is so short..."

The mercenary shook his head, "We don't know, it really came just now... and it's so aggressive that it eats anyone it sees. It took me a lot of effort to escape... it was announced..."

After all, he passed out again.

Bai Ran gritted his teeth, took out a small return pill from the interspatial ring and gave it to him, and some famous people took him down to rest.

After everything was done, Bai Ran slammed the table, "Why, that big guy will come again today and eat so many living humans."

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, quite concerned.

A big guy came to spy on information yesterday...

What about today, just to eat?
This time is more frequent than the last time, what exactly do you want to do?

Baili Qinxue took a step forward and reminded: "President Bai, it's useless to be upset at the moment, we should go to the town to support, and now the people in the town need you."

Bai Ran raised his eyes suddenly, and his cold face became a little more anxious, "You are right, you should go to the town now."

Bai Ran ordered Qi Zhe and the others to prepare. As soon as he walked out of the door, he turned his head sideways and said, "I hope you all will follow to see..."

Baili Qinxue laughed, she planned to join in the fun.

Dugu Sheng pinched her cheek, "I know, Axue likes to join in the fun."

Ye Huansha was very scared, but she went anyway.

The butler whispered in her ear, "If Miss is afraid, we can take advantage of the chaos and leave."

Ye Huansha didn't speak, but listened to the housekeeper's words.

Taking advantage of the chaos to leave is really a good choice...

A group of people went to a small town deep in the forest.

As soon as he walked to the entrance of the town, before he approached, there was a smell of blood rushing towards his face, and there were still small flames burning around the town, which had not been extinguished until now.

Bai Ran bit her lip, and strode in.

Others followed.

Baili Qinxue looked around, and when she walked in, she smelled not only the smell of blood, but also a smell of burning things, it was houses, some houses were all burned...

This originally very prosperous and nice town was burned down like this.

Baili Qinxue was a little shocked to see that in just one morning, this beautiful town was almost in ruins, and there were some poor little houses swaying in the wind, as if they would collapse at any moment.

Blood and dead people were all over the ground, and the piercing cries kept coming to my ears and never disappeared.

Baili Qinxue watched quietly, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

Dugu Sheng held her fingertips tightly, "Axue, what are you thinking, your face is a bit gloomy."

Baili Qinxue smiled, "I didn't think about anything, I just felt a little depressed, and I was also very concerned about that big guy, which can summon monsters. Do you think it has something to do with evil skills?"

Dugu Sheng frowned, these days they seemed to be exposed to this evil skill most, this evil skill seemed to appear out of nowhere, it never existed before, but now it is more and more frequent.


(End of this chapter)

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