Chapter 1431 Give me back my things!
Baili Qinxue's eyes flickered, shining brightly, "Okay, let's go quickly."

After leaving the small town, the two jumped onto the tree, jumped up and down the tree, and disappeared in an instant.

The forest was only that small in size, and if they went back the same way, Baili Qinxue would soon see Ye Huansha and the others.

Ye Huansha must have been scared and wanted to escape with the housekeeper, but there is no such cheap thing in the world.

No, the man and woman in the cloak were standing opposite them, confronting them.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng leaned against the tree, watching with great interest.

Over there, four people are still confronting each other.

After a long time, Ye Huansha narrowed her eyes, and finally asked, "Why are you blocking my way, I have something to do right now."

The cloaked man lowered his voice and laughed, "What's the business? Could it be that Ms. Ye is afraid of seeing so many dead people and wants to run away?"

Seeing through her mind, Ye Huansha shuddered and frowned, "I can't understand what you are talking about. How could this lady be afraid? I'm just tired and want to rest."

"That's right." The cloaked man raised his head and laughed loudly. The laughter was piercing and terrifying, and it lasted for a long time.

Ye Huansha was taken aback by the laughter, "What... are you laughing at?"

The man in the cloak didn't speak, but the woman in the cloak continued: "Miss Ye is so courageous, she likes to collect beautiful things from people, how could she be afraid, and Miss Ye also wants to collect beautiful things from President Bai, and she hasn't done it yet. Collected, how could it be possible to leave."

Ye Huansha's heart trembled, and she took a step back subconsciously.

Although she didn't intend to hide this interest, she never showed it in front of them. How did they know?
I also know that she is also interested in Bai Ran...

"Why do you know who you are?" Ye Huansha felt a little evil, and subconsciously took a few steps back.

The steward knew that the visitor was not good, and had already made a posture of preparing for the battle.

The cloaked girl rolled her eyes and laughed, "Haha, Ms. Ye is such a noble lady, she forgets things. We knew each other before coming to the mercenary union. You still call me sister, you Just forget?"

Ye Huansha was stunned, what do you mean?
The housekeeper was stunned, and soon came to his senses, "You are Feng Miao Shuangsha who ran away..."

"Sure enough, this housekeeper is smarter. Miss Ye, you can't do it, you're too stupid..." Ling Miao stroked the cloak on her body, pulled her hands, and the cloak fell to the ground.

Ye Huansha quickly saw her face clearly, she still had that pretty face, but her eyes had lost their eyeballs, and the two big black holes greatly reduced her beauty, making her even more terrifying.

Ye Huansha was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed, "So it's you, Sister Ling Miao, I thought who it was, it turned out to be the defeated general, the one whose eyes were gouged out by me, haha. "

After finishing speaking, she took out the bottle in the interspatial ring, and there were two eyeballs inside.

"Your eyes are so beautiful. Even if they are out of their sockets, they are still so beautiful in the bottle. I like them so much..." Ye Huansha kept rubbing the bottle.

Ling Miao couldn't see it, but she could hear some of it from her words.

She clenched her fingertips tightly, her face full of anger, "Give me back my things, give me back..."

Ye Huansha tilted her head, and smiled almost madly, "What do you give back to you, what do you give back to you, these things are mine, mine, how can you have anything to do with it?"


(End of this chapter)

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