Chapter 1438 Go Die, You Killed My Sister

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

The deafening roar rang in her ears, and Ye Huansha was startled, but she wanted to run but felt that the soles of her feet were filled with lead, and she couldn't run at all.

"Miss, run quickly, the monsters are about to catch up." The housekeeper urged.

Ye Huansha was startled, and ran quickly.

Her speed was very fast, and she caught up with the two brothers and sisters of the Ling family in an instant, and the monster that was chasing her just now also rushed up.

Before she could react, these monsters surrounded her again.

The monsters roared and clamored, as if they were going to tear her apart in the next second...

Ye Huansha was too frightened. Seeing that these monsters were about to pounce on her, she had a quick wit and pulled Ling Miao who was running ahead, and threw them into the crowd of monsters.

Before Ling Miao figured out what was going on, she was immediately torn apart by the monsters.

" hurts so much, help..." Ling Miao screamed a few times at the top of her throat, and finally, she was swallowed by the monsters without even bones left.

Ye Huansha patted her chest. Fortunately, she thought of this way, otherwise, she would be the one who died.

"Ye Huansha, you actually killed my sister." Ling Feng paused, looking at her with scarlet eyes with a ferocious face.

Ye Huansha shrugged indifferently, "She ruined my appearance, and she is also blind. It must be inconvenient to carry, so I will help you eliminate her. Shouldn't you thank me?"

"You bitch." Ling Feng roared angrily, "It doesn't matter if her eyes are broken, she is my younger sister, and I never thought she was a burden. If you killed her, I will avenge her."

Why is this bitch so stubborn?

Seeing that the monster was about to rush up again, Ye Huansha rolled her eyes and said, "I can understand your desire to avenge your sister, but this moment is dangerous. After we escape, you can do whatever you want."

Ling Feng didn't like her, and roared, "You bitch is full of tricks, I won't believe you, I will avenge my sister today, even if I am killed by a monster, I will avenge my sister."

After all, he didn't care about it, and directly fought with Ye Huansha.

The monsters behind are galloping again...

Ye Huansha barely dodged his attack, glanced behind her out of the corner of her eye, and was startled again.

"Are you an idiot? The monsters are about to catch up. If you continue to entangle me, you and I will die." Ye Huansha was almost panicked to death, and her face became a little ugly. "Housekeeper, help me quickly. The monsters behind block it."

The housekeeper just ran away and didn't listen to what she was saying.

Seeing this, Ye Huansha spat hard, bastards, all of them are always unreliable at critical moments.


Ling Feng's long sword approached again, and Ye Huansha raised the sword in his hand to block his attack.

"Will you bitch look at the situation? Is this the time for internal strife?" Ye Huansha roared angrily, really wanting to break his brains open to see what the structure is.

Ling Feng didn't listen to her, raised his sword again, and wrestled with her.

"Ding Ding" "Bang Bang"

When the swords collided with each other, they rubbed a ray of dazzling fire.

"Ling Feng, you lunatic, stop quickly..." Ye Huansha yelled loudly, taking his attack with great difficulty.

Every move and every style of Ling Feng was extremely forceful, as if he was going to strangle her severely.

No, she cannot die here.

She still has a lot of things to do, and her father is looking forward to her, so she can't die...


(End of this chapter)

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