Chapter 1442 I just want to pull you out!
At this moment……

His body moved, and in an instant, countless small fireballs flew out from around him. Baili Qinxue squinted and gathered water magic to block all the fireballs.

The man narrowed his eyes and seemed a little surprised.

As if he possessed inexhaustible magic power, he shot countless small balls again.

Soon, Baili Qinxue also got used to it, and condensed fire magic to fight against it.

"Bang" sound.

The two fire magics collided, and in an instant, gorgeous fireworks erupted.

That kind of ordinary flame is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Shenhuo. In an instant, all the small fireballs he fired were wiped out.

The man opened his mouth wide in surprise, and even the big guy in front of him couldn't bear the power of the collision, so he took a few steps back.

Baili Qinxue narrowed her eyes and smiled, dodging to catch up.

"I said how should I get you out?" Baili Qinxue held her chin and murmured lightly, "Should I pull you out directly, or pry you out from inside."

After all, the fire-type sword condensed in his hand shone brightly in the sun, hurting his eyes.

The man seemed to understand, and trembled immediately.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, in a good mood, she beheaded all the monsters blocking her, and then reached out and touched the inside of her abdomen...

She thought there would be obstacles, but she didn't expect that she could easily touch the man's clothes and wrists.

The man looked at Baili Qinxue in horror, as if he didn't want to leave the inside.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and there was a bit of evil in her smile, "Don't you want to come out, but I was born to pull you out, because ah, you have done too many unreasonable things, and it is natural to want to come out to mess around." Pay it back."

After all, he pulled the man hard.


The man seemed to be embedded in the flesh, and when he was dragged out, he encountered great resistance. Baili Qinxue squinted his eyes, and chopped off all the rotten flesh and tendons that were wrapped around him.

"Ah..." The man screamed, as if he felt pain, but he calmed down quickly.

Baili Qinxue pursed her lips, and continued to chop off the rotten flesh and tendons around her. The man's eyelids moved a little, but he didn't scream anymore.

The monsters stacked on top of the big guy also seemed to feel the threat, and they all flew down and flew straight towards Baili Qinxue.

Baili Qinxue didn't even look at them, the sword in her hand kept chopping off the rotten flesh, she was pulling hard, and in an instant...

The person wrapped in her abdomen was pulled out by her, and at this time...

The monsters stacked on top of the big guy roared and disappeared into small dots. The forest quickly returned to calm, as if the big guy had never appeared before.

Bai Ran was fighting with the monsters, he was taken aback when he saw the scene in front of him.

"what 's wrong……"

All the monsters disappeared, just kidding him, maybe it's because he didn't wake up...

But there was no surprise in Dugu Sheng's eyes. He bent his lips and smiled brilliantly, "There's nothing to be surprised about. It must be Axue. Axue won the battle."


Hearing this, Bai Ran was immediately surprised.

There was only one person, and it was really incredible that the battle was successful.

Bai Ran still felt that he hadn't woken up, so he pinched himself hard, the pain made him frown.


(End of this chapter)

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