Chapter 1449 Thought I was Snow White?
"Brother Qi." The mercenary called out, "The man and the woman killed the big guy, President Bai will definitely look at them with admiration, do you think they will threaten your status?"

Qi Zhe pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Yes, Brother Qi's status will definitely be threatened." Another mercenary echoed again: "Brother Qi, do we need to find a way to teach them a lesson?"


Lesson a ball!
Qi Zhe was furious, slapped the two of them on the back of the head angrily, and shouted: "You two idiots, since they can kill the big guy, they must have the ability to avoid our lessons. On the contrary, we will definitely be mistreated , Moreover, they are great heroes now, if others know that we are plotting evil, I am afraid that we will not have a foothold in the trade union."

The two mercenaries immediately fell silent when they heard the words.

That's right, the man and the woman are so powerful, they will definitely be tortured to death.

"Brother Qi is right." The two mercenaries said in unison.

Qi Zhe nodded, and he was still winking, "Just know it's right, don't have any bad thoughts, brother Qi, I still want to stay in the union."

The two mercenaries nodded in unison.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng returned to the house and took a rest. Soon, the sky gradually darkened.

At this time, a mercenary knocked on the door, saying that the banquet was ready and told them to go over quickly.

"Okay, I see, we'll go there right away." Baili Qinxue called out the door.

Dugu Sheng was still lying on the bed, looking extremely comfortable and unwilling to move.

Baili Qinxue pushed his shoulder and said, "Get up, get up and eat something delicious."

Dugu Sheng opened his eyelids, but still refused to get up, "Wait a little longer, let me take a rest..."

After all, he rubbed his head against her palm, his eyes half-closed, extremely lazy.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, this kid was coquettish and coquettish, and his charm was a little more cute.

"Hey, don't make trouble, get up." Baili Qinxue rubbed his head, and in an instant, the delicate and smooth touch spread on the fingertips, so soft and comfortable.

Dugu Sheng opened his eyes, his dark eyes were filled with bright smiles, he said: "Kiss me once, and I will get up."

Kiss him... thinking I'm Snow White.

Baili Qinxue glared at him, slowly raised her body, and looked down at him with her hands folded across her chest, "If you don't go, I will go first."

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, gathered his clothes together, and then stood up, "Axue is really bad, if you don't kiss me... just let me kiss you."

After that, he grabbed the back of her head and pecked lightly on her lips.

"!!" Baili Qinxue widened her eyes and glared angrily.

Before Baili Qinxue could make any move, Dugu Sheng let go of her, reached out and opened the door, smiling more sneakily than a fox.

Baili Qinxue subconsciously covered her lips, her cheeks blushing.

Outside, the night was a little dark, Dugu Sheng stood in the night, looking at Baili Qinxue with a smile.

His eyes were bright, even brighter than Yuehua, "Axue, come here quickly, let's go eat delicious food..."

An angry Baili Qinxue: "..."

Whoever refused to get up just now is now in a hurry to eat, shameless.

Bai Ran held a banquet in the backyard of the mercenary union, and basically all the mercenaries from the mercenary union came to eat.


(End of this chapter)

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