Chapter 1472 Is there any special ability?
Liu Cheng didn't know why, and shook her head in a daze.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and there was a touch of sarcasm in her eyes, "Looking at the way the girl spoke just now, I thought the girl was a member of the royal family, but she is not, could it be that she is a commoner like us, so she must have never seen her before." The yard is full of gold, please take a good look at it, we will excuse you first."

After finishing speaking, with a sly smile, he pulled Dugu Sheng around and left.

It was only after they left that Liu Cheng realized that she had been ridiculed by two ordinary people, it's abominable.

She stomped her feet angrily, she would have brought a few servants out when she knew it was time to go out.

"This orange is interesting, why did you come to the main city of the Northern Continent alone?" Baili Qinxue said casually.

Dugu Sheng shrugged indifferently, "Maybe he escaped from marriage?"

One word awakened the dreamer... Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, her eyes lit up, "It's possible, no wonder she didn't bring her servants and maids with her, so she ran out secretly."

Dugu Sheng pursed his lips, and continued: "However, we just offended her. If she also participated, she would probably run on us sincerely."

"It's okay." Baili Qinxue looked straight ahead, confident, "It's only interesting when it's exciting, and my monster is not a vegetarian."

Dugu Sheng smiled and pinched her face.

The two talked while walking, and soon came to the hunting ground in the backyard.

The hunting ground was full of dignitaries and some ordinary people.

The dignitaries set up a pergola outside the hunting ground, and there are many tables and chairs inside. There are melons and fruit refreshments on the tables. The dignitaries sit inside, and there are maids who pinch their backs and beat their legs. Don't be too comfortable. .

The plain-headed people stood under the sun and suffered from the wind and the sun.

Baili Qinxue couldn't help but flatten her mouth, this differential treatment...

The two of them can be regarded as ordinary people, and they can only stand under the sun, but at this time...

"You are here." Cang Molian's voice came.

Cang Molian was also sitting in the awning. Although he was not a royal family member, he was the president of the alchemist union, and he was a bit more noble than some royal family members. Nodding to him.

"Well, here we are." Baili Qinxue regained consciousness and looked at Cang Molian.

Dugu Sheng also glanced lightly.

Although the two looked ordinary, the strange thing was that they didn't feel inferior in front of Cang Molian. On the contrary, they were able to overwhelm Cang Molian in terms of aura.

"Well, I said I want to go with you, but if you don't come with me, let's sit together." Cang Molian patted the two empty seats beside her, which seemed to be specially reserved for them.

Chu Yuedao and the others were also sitting quietly, looking at the two of them with a smile.

"Okay." Baili Qinxue bent her lips.

It would be a fool not to sit if there is a seat. I don't know when this monster race will end. Wouldn't it be exhausting to stand?

The two stepped forward and sat quietly beside Cang Molian, looking as if it should be taken for granted, nothing flattered or grateful at all.

After the two sat down, the royal family, nobles and ordinary people reacted.

Oh my God, Cang Molian would actually invite others to sit with him, this has never happened before, Cang Molian is like a flower of Gaoling, as if being looked at by others is a kind of blasphemy.

But such a clean and holy person would actually invite such ordinary people to sit together, it blinded their eyes.

Could it be that these two ordinary people have some special abilities?

(End of this chapter)

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