Chapter 1482 I Hate Her Temperament

Ye Huansha laughed lightly, and said, "In that case, I'll take the first step. It would be great if I can overtake the person in front of me."

"Wait a minute." Liu Cheng stopped her.

Ye Huansha narrowed her eyes, a little displeased, "Miss Liu called me to stop, what are you talking about?"

Could it be that you want her to wait for her?
Liu Cheng didn't seem to see the displeasure in her eyes, she pursed her lips and asked, "Miss Ye, I see that you seem to be familiar with that woman in front, do you know her name?"

Ye Huansha was stunned, and said with a dry smile: "It's just that I met her in the World of Warcraft Forest. I don't know her very well, and how do I know her name? By the way, why are you asking so many questions?"

"It's nothing, I just think her aura resembles a person, a person I hate..." Liu Cheng narrowed her eyes, and quickly regained her composure, and said, "However, the person in front looks so ordinary , definitely not her."

"It's so sure..." Ye Huansha suddenly became interested, and asked with a smile: "Could it be, is that person very beautiful?"

Liu Cheng snorted softly, "Not only is she beautiful, she's simply a vixen who likes to seduce people..."

Ye Huansha said with great interest: "Could it be that that foxy girl seduced the man you like, so you are a little annoyed by a woman with similar temperament to her?"

Seeing through her mind, Liu Cheng's heart trembled, and he hesitated and said: "That's right...and that bitch not only likes to seduce men, but also a secret master, she won the college battle, I don't know Miss Ye Have you seen her in the Demonic Beast Forest?"

Ye Huansha thought for a while, then quickly shook her head, "Probably not, I don't have any impression."

Liu Cheng lowered his eyes and thought, but he didn't remember such a big target. Could it be that he died in the World of Warcraft Forest?

"So that's the case, thank you Miss Ye for telling me." Liu Cheng pursed her lips and looked away.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Ye Huansha immediately lost interest, "If Miss Liu has nothing to do, I will go ahead. If possible, I want to surpass the person in front, which can be regarded as giving Miss Liu some comfort."

When Liu Cheng heard this, her eyes lit up, "Overtake her, overtake her hard, I hate her aura..."

"Okay, I'll overtake her." Ye Huansha patted Xueyun Spirit Monkey's buttocks, and in an instant, Xueyu Spirit Monkey ran quickly, throwing Liu Cheng behind.

Liu Cheng ate some dirt and coughed violently.

"This Ye Huansha made me eat dirt on purpose, it's just hateful..."

Ye Huansha had already run so far away that she didn't hear the muttering behind her at all. She gritted her teeth and tried her best to chase after her.

It's a pity that after chasing for a long time, Baili Qinxue was not seen at all.

What the hell is going on? Could it be that she has already run the entire distance and is about to go back?
Ye Huansha's heart trembled, she always felt a little unbelievable, it should be impossible to run so fast...

She bit her teeth and continued to chase, but she still didn't see Baili Qinxue's shadow. Soon, she turned around the hunting ground and was about to go back.

When she was going back, she saw a small black shadow flickering in front of her.

That is, Baili Qinxue and her stupid cat...

Ye Huansha's eyes flickered, and she wanted to rush up, but at this moment, the speed of her Xueyun monkey slowed down a little, even with full firepower, she couldn't catch them.

She bit her lip, and could only let the person in front slip away, but she was helpless.


(End of this chapter)

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