Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1485 Can she be stopped as a summoner?

Chapter 1485 Can she be stopped as a summoner?

She paused and said, "Since the host is a nobleman, the rewards will naturally not disappoint us."

"I see..." Liu Cheng clenched her fists, she must have the last laugh and get those mysterious prizes.

Baili Qinxue glanced at them lightly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened.

None of them lost the election, which is really getting more and more interesting.

Liu Cheng stroked her arm, her body suddenly trembled.

"Miss Liu, what's the matter with you?" Ye Huansha, you are a little confused.

Liu Cheng pursed her lips, shook her head and said, "It's nothing, I just feel a little cold all of a sudden, this kind of feeling is really bad..."

With the assistance of the servant girl, the nobleman had already listed the names of the [-] advanced contestants. He looked at the list and began to prepare for the next semi-final.

When he was ready, he stroked the red gemstone on the ring, stood up and said, "Now we will start the second competition. In this second competition, three of you will be selected to enter the finals."

These rules are similar to previous years, and no one was too surprised.

The maid held the tea cup and handed it to the nobleman. The nobleman took a sip and said again: "The race route for the second race is still the same, but I have already ordered people to set up many traps on the road. Many people are hiding in the dark and using magic to interfere with you, I hope you can also reach the finish line within a stick of incense."

The second competition was much more difficult. There were both obstacles and magical interference. It was quite difficult to reach the finish line within a stick of incense.

Baili Qinxue and Clumsy Cat looked at each other, there was no panic in their eyes, but burning fighting intent.

Traps, magic interference, are very interesting.

I don't know if they can stop her as a summoner...

Baili Qinxue curved her lips, her bright eyes were filled with a smile, and the sun soaked her body, and in an instant, it shone with a thousand zhangs of light.

Dugu Sheng's eyes were suffocated, and he was a little dumbfounded.

His family, Axue, is really radiant, even with a face that is too ordinary to be ordinary, she is still so beautiful.

Dugu Sheng raised his lips, changed his posture and continued to watch.

Seeing that the 20 people were all ready, the noble said, "Since everyone is all ready, let's start."

He ordered the servant girl to prepare the incense.

Liu Cheng tugged at the hem of Ye Huansha's clothes, and asked: "Miss Ye, have you guys competed like this before? There are traps and magic interference along the way. Can you really reach the finish line within a stick of incense time?"

She was a little panicked, feeling very uncertain.

Ye Huansha smiled and reassured her: "It's nothing, it's been compared like this in previous years, and there are still three people who entered the finals, Miss Liu, you have to have confidence in yourself, but you must not be compared by that person gone."

After that, she glanced at Baili Qinxue.

Liu Cheng also followed her gaze, and her eyes couldn't help but sink, "That's right, I can't be compared to such a commoner. I'm a black market daughter, so I'm naturally much better than her."

Ye Huansha withdrew her gaze and didn't speak again.

At this time, the servant girl lit the incense.

The noble glanced at it, and then said: "Now, the competition officially begins."

As soon as the words fell, twenty people rushed out immediately.

In an instant, the dust flew up, and the ground kept vibrating, making people feel numb. When the dust fell and the ground stopped vibrating, the twenty people had long since disappeared.


(End of this chapter)

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