Chapter 149 Met the best team ([-])
When Lin Fenglie heard the words, he had no choice but to stop talking.

"Stupid girl, did you do it on purpose?" Zhao Yu pushed her shoulder and asked with a smile.

"I'm just throwing flies, Ayu Ayu, are you in a better mood?" Lin Wan looked at him eagerly, his eyes were full of anticipation, stained with a little crystal.

Zhao Yu rubbed her head, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were gloomy, but he didn't say anything, just smiled: "Of course he's better, seeing him being hit by a bone, I feel so happy. "

Lin Wanwan also curled his lips, and there was a bit of narrowness in his smile.

Baili Qinxue caught her smile, the smile was constricted, with the little treachery after a successful scheme, this little girl clearly tilted her head to pretend to be stupid on purpose, there was such a dark-bellied element.

"Sister, there are still some of them hiding in the forest." At this moment, Dugu Sheng tugged at the hem of her clothes, frowning, eyes full of coldness and vigilance.

"Well, there are three more people, I don't know which three masters they are..." Baili Qinxue looked carefully at the woods.

"Weinan Lin Che, you are standing in front of us, do you want to say that there is nothing there? If this is the case, I will not accompany you, please make way." Che.

Weinan Lin Che did not show any weakness either, she met his eyes with a straight face, her smile was still the same as before.

"We were investigating who came in the forest, but we didn't expect it to be your team, Brother Wang, but the instructor also said that if you want to win the pennant in this battle, you have to rely on real skills. If you meet, you can only..." Wei Wei Nan Linche flashed the sword at his waist, it was self-evident what he wanted to do.

Baili Qinxue turned her head and happened to see the dazzling light emanating from his sword, like a ray of thin ice, hitting her nerves directly... She squinted her eyes and thought, this Weinan Lin Che was warm and delicate on the surface, but in fact she was thinking more than anyone else.

"Third Prince of Weinan Kingdom, the other party is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of your country. He is a big acquaintance and you can do it?" Another voice came in.

Mu Liu didn't know when she appeared. At this moment, she was lazily leaning against the tree trunk with a bright smile on her face, as if she could dispel the darkness in the forest.

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, and Mu Liu was also with Wei Nan, Lin Che and the others?

"Even if you are acquaintances, you have to treat them equally." Lin Fenglie was still thinking about the loss of his bones just now, he decided to destroy this team and destroy their prestige.

Mu Liu waved her hand and said, "This is your business, so I won't participate. Anyway, I joined your team temporarily."

Baili Qinxue understood that it was just a temporary team formation.

Lin Fenglie glanced at Mu Liu a few times, feeling somewhat displeased with him.

Mu Liu ignored him, just leaned against the tree trunk, fiddled with clothes, hair and so on.At this time, Baili Qinxue also noticed a woman standing next to Mu Liu. The woman looked heroic and had wheat-colored skin. She wore a dark purple dress and wore a sword on her waist. handsome.

Baili Qinxue looked at her for a long time and recognized her.

This woman is the one named Liu Cheng during the entrance examination, a small fourth-level intermediate warrior can join the team with the masters, she must have opened the back door!

Looking at the way she gets along with Mu Liu, she should be an acquaintance, and must have opened the back door.

"Sister, there are four of us, and there is still one more..." Dugu Sheng clenched Baili Qinxue's sleeves tightly.

"The strength must be very high, and the little guys haven't noticed yet..." Baili Qinxue gritted her teeth. If she really fought with them, she would definitely destroy the team.


(End of this chapter)

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