Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1494 Could it be that she has no fighting spirit?

Chapter 1494 Could it be that she has no fighting spirit?

Everyone was stunned again, looking at each other.

It's really hard to say, the incense on the table burnt a little more, it's really a bit suspenseful to reach the finish line in such a short time, but maybe it will be there.

Everyone looked sideways, looking eagerly at the depths of the hunting ground.

At this time, there was no movement in the depths of the hunting ground, as if falling into a deep sleep, a dead silence.

Everyone didn't give up, they still watched eagerly.

Baili Qinxue also glanced sideways, but her faint eyes were instantly stained with a sparkling smile, and the smile didn't last long before it was replaced by a narrow look.

It's them, they finally arrived, and the finals will be very interesting later.

Baili Qinxue clenched her fingertips and stood in the deepest part of the halo, quietly waiting for the arrival of the two.

Not long after, the two appeared in everyone's sight.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and immediately cheered.

The servant girl hammered the nobleman's legs, smiled and said, "It's still the master who has the ability to guess that they will explode at the end."

The nobleman raised his eyelids and said, "What kind of skill is this? I have held so many World of Warcraft races, so I naturally know the essence of it."

The maid smiled and continued to help the nobleman pinch his back and beat his legs.

The nobleman was extremely satisfied, and when he closed his eyes, he opened his mouth and asked, "How much incense is left?"

The servant girl glanced sideways and said with a smile: "Not much, there is only a little half left."

The nobleman responded softly, and asked again, "Where are they now?"

The servant girl stood up and probed, and said: "They are still on the way, and they will reach the finish line in a while. However, Miss Liu's magic beast seems to be a bit difficult. It seems that they can only get No.3."

As soon as her words fell, Ye Huansha and her monster ran to the finish line quickly.

Liu Cheng and her Warcraft followed closely behind.

When the two of them all reached the finish line, everyone cheered after being stunned for a moment.

Hearing the sound, the nobleman opened his eyes again, and what he saw was the picture of the two people rushing to the finish line, he smiled and said: "Those two people have arrived, it's really interesting, the one named Liu Cheng is No .3?"

The servant girl nodded and said, "That's right, she is No.3."

The noble raised his head, looked at them with great interest, and said: "No.2 and No.3 are not far behind, but they are half an incense stick away from No.1. If the difference is not seen with your own eyes, No one will believe you if you say it.”

The servant girl stood beside her and echoed, "Yeah, it's unbelievable. That ordinary-looking girl is really amazing. I don't know if she can win the finals?"

"I'm afraid it's hard to say." The nobleman shook his head and said, "If the finals are more than ordinary races, she has the hope of winning, but our finals can't be so casual, you can see the name What is the grade of a woman?"

The servant girl went to check it out as she said, but her brows were tightly furrowed, "I can't find it out at all, doesn't it mean that she doesn't have fighting spirit?"

The nobleman also looked over, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression, "I can't detect her strength. Could it be that she really doesn't have fighting spirit, but if she didn't have fighting spirit, how could that cat make a contract with her?"

The maid pursed her lips and frowned even tighter, "Yeah, this is really weird."

"It's really strange." The nobleman was stunned for a moment, and then said: "So, the outcome of this final is unpredictable. I heard that the girl from the Ye family is a very powerful warrior..."


(End of this chapter)

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