Chapter 1507 Like a High King

He was silent for a moment, then whispered: "Forget it, you stay in the courtyard for a while, if you repent, I can choose a day to release you."

Ye Huansha bit her lips, and wanted to say something more, but seeing Master Ye's serious and determined expression, she lowered her eyes and dared not say anything.

In fact, such a result is quite good, if you insist on saying something, you may be powerless.

After a while, Ye Huansha nodded and said, "Daddy, I understand."

At this time, Liu Cheng held the corner of the cloak and walked over slowly.

Ye Huansha seemed to have sensed it, raised her eyes and glanced a little and said: "Miss Liu, I didn't mean it just now, you won't be angry, right?"

Liu Cheng lowered her eyes, met her gaze, but did not speak immediately.

Ye Huansha panicked and hurriedly covered her face.

Liu Cheng put her arms around her chest and said with a sneer, "I know what Miss Ye cares about, so I won't be angry, and if Miss Ye wants to cover her face, it's better to use a veil."

Irony, this is Chi Guoguo's irony.

Ye Huansha clenched her fists when she heard the words, and her eyes were stained with anger, but she calmed down in an instant, "Miss Ye is very right, just now the maid next to the noble has helped me get the veil, I'm sure I'll be back soon."

Hearing this, Liu Cheng couldn't help but startled.

She didn't expect Ye Huansha to become so calm in such a short period of time. She thought that Ye Huansha would rush over and challenge her one-on-one, but she didn't expect to become so obedient.

Liu Cheng gave a dry laugh, just in time to see the maid rushing back with the veil.

"Miss Ye, that maid is back." Liu Cheng cast a glance and said with a smile.

Ye Huansha raised her eyelids, and seeing the servant girl approaching gracefully, her eyes couldn't help but beam with joy.

The maid handed the veil to her.

Ye Huansha smiled and took it, and quickly put it on.

"Since Miss Ye has put on her veil, I want to step back. The master still has a lot of orders." The servant girl walked towards the noble step by step.

After Ye Huansha put on the veil, she felt a little more confident. She raised her long hair on her shoulders and asked, "Daddy, has the woman we competed with just now reached the end?"

After all, she glanced at the burning incense on the table, the incense had only burned a little bit, and there was still part of it.

"Not here yet, but it should be soon..." Mr. Ye shook his head, looked at the screen again, and in an instant he exclaimed, "Oh my god, it's so fast..."

Not only Master Ye, but even some other people exclaimed loudly.

Liu Cheng and Ye Huansha glanced at each other, then subconsciously looked at the screen.

only see...

That stupid cat was running at the fastest speed, it was so fast that it was impossible to catch, it was like a shooting star, and Baili Qinxue was sitting in the wooden car, not frightened by this extraordinary speed at all live.

She sat quietly, her eyes were looking straight ahead, there was a bit of coldness in the bottom of her eyes, against the backdrop of the sun, she seemed to gather thousands of rays of light, she seemed to be a king aloft, sitting in a wooden car overlooking the Looking at the earth, everything is so small in her eyes.

When everyone looked at her, they were completely overwhelmed by her aura.

It's amazing that such a powerful and daunting temperament would appear on such an ordinary woman.

If her face were a little would definitely be more attractive.


(End of this chapter)

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