Need for Summoner: Sheng Chong Tian-defying Little Demon Concubine

Chapter 1515 Are you a rookie in refining medicine?

Chapter 1515 Are you a rookie in refining medicine?

Cang Molian nodded, Qin Ge had completely forgotten if it wasn't a competition for refining medicine.

Qin Ge smiled, with deep meaning in his eyes, "If the two of you are interested in refining medicine, you can participate. I heard that the prizes are also very rich."

Dugu Sheng had a smile on his lips, but his eyes were very sharp. He glared at Qin Ge.

If you can see their identities, you can see them, and they even spy on them intentionally or unintentionally, it's really shameless.

Baili Qinxue also glanced at Qin Ge, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "It sounds interesting, if we have time, we will definitely participate in it, by the way, is this medicine refining competition held by the pharmacist union? "

Cang Molian shook her head, their pharmacist union wouldn't be free enough to do this kind of thing.

Qin Ge explained with a smile: "It was held by a nobleman who is bored. The nobleman has the most leisure time to do this kind of thing, and the financial resources are naturally not bad for the prizes."

Hearing what Qin Ge said, Baili Qinxue licked her lips, and interest flashed across her eyes.

She asked, "Do you know when it will be held?"

Cang Molian ate with her head down, he didn't know about these things.

Qin Ge thought for a while and said, "Just a day or two later, I heard that some disciples from the Alchemist Union will also participate. It's very lively and grand. If you go to participate, you will be able to..."

He didn't go on, but Baili Qinxue could understand what he meant.

"People from the Alchemist's Union will also participate..." Baili Qinxue twisted her fingers, pretending to be afraid, and said, "Hearing what you say, I'm a little nervous."

Knowing that she was pretending, Qin Ge curled his lips and said nothing.

At this time, Chu Yuedao opened his lips, and said vaguely: "You will definitely not win if you participate, aren't you a rookie in refining medicine?"

Baili Qinxue raised her eyebrows, with a half-smile.

This can really talk to Dumao.

Qin Ge blinked his eyes in disgust, and sighed: "Some people only know how to eat, so they probably lost their brains too."

"What do you mean?" Chu Yuedao couldn't understand, and then lowered her head and continued to eat.

Qin Ge supported his forehead, and smiled helplessly, "Don't mind, he's just as stupid as he is."

Baili Qinxue tugged on Dugu Sheng's clothes, and joked with a smile: "I understand, so I don't mind."

Chu Yuedao wasn't listening, thinking they were talking nice things about him.

Full of wine and food, the table is ready to go back.

Before leaving, Cang Molian stopped, her thin clothes fluttered in the wind, and in an instant, there seemed to be a ray of medicinal fragrance coming towards her.

Cang Molian looked back, her eyes were full of moonlight haze, cold and clean, extremely beautiful.

He parted his thin lips, and said: "In the medicine refining competition, I hope to see your wonderful competition, but I am afraid that there are not many people in this world who belong to you..."

Cang Molian paused, and didn't go any further.

Baili Qinxue shrugged and said knowingly: "It can't be absolute, at least there are still outsiders in this world, right?"

Chu Yuedao and Bai Xie couldn't understand, what were they talking about?
Outsiders, outsiders, what the hell?

Cang Molian raised her eyebrows, and there seemed to be a faint smile in her clear eyes, "Really, then I look forward to it even more..."

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, they parted ways.

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng returned to the restaurant where they stayed yesterday.

The two entered the wing room, Baili Qinxue opened the window, and in an instant, the night outside came into view.

She pursed her lips, and her eyes seemed to have lost some of the bright color of the moon, which became extremely bright. She asked, "Say, do we want to participate in the medicine refining competition?"


(End of this chapter)

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