Chapter 1518 Can they make medicine?
Perhaps he had more gold coins, but he made the entire empty square extravagantly festive, with a lot of red silk and satin tied around it, making it look like a martial arts contest to recruit relatives.

When the two went, it was already crowded with people.

The vast majority of these people are common people, but there are also some nobles.

Baili Qinxue turned her head to the side and watched quietly.

You can see that these people all have cheerful faces. Presumably, most of them are joining in the fun, after all, alchemists are not rotten cabbage.

However, there is a pharmacist union in the Northern Continent. I heard that there are more people here than in other continents who have the talent of pharmacists. This is also a good advantage.

Baili Qinxue played with her fingertips, with a deep smile in her eyes.

She turned her head to the side, only to realize that the nobleman had set up a pergola in the large square. At this moment, he was leaning comfortably on the back of the chair, and the maid was waiting beside him, rubbing his legs and shoulders and so on.

More and more people gathered in the big square, but no nobleman stood up and said anything. He still crossed his legs and enjoyed life with a cup of hot tea.

Baili Qinxue glanced at it, and couldn't help sighing, "I really enjoy it."

"That's right." She raised her eyebrows and said, "If A-Xue wants to, she can enjoy it like this."

Baili Qinxue covered her lips and smiled, "I think I'm still suitable for this kind of hard work..."

Dugu Sheng smiled, but didn't speak.

At this time, Cang Molian and the others came slowly.

The people present immediately let out bursts of exclamation, and some even gave way to allow them to walk over smoothly.

The nobleman also got up from his chair and ran to meet them, "President Cang, you are indeed here, I was afraid that you would not come."

Cang Molian stared straight ahead, suddenly turned her head to the side, looked in Baili Qinxue's direction, then quickly retracted and said, "I made an appointment three days ago, so I can't miss the appointment."

After the nobleman paused, Cang Molian actually made an appointment with someone else, who on earth would have such a big face?

Just when he was struggling to think, Chu Yuedao's cheerful voice came from his ears, "You guys are here, come here quickly..."

As soon as the voice fell, the nobleman saw two people walking in front of him.

The figures of the two are somewhat familiar, but they are far away, and the nobleman cannot see their faces clearly.

When the two approached, the nobleman was slightly taken aback. He also knew these two people. He had participated in the World of Warcraft race and won in the end. The two had known Cang Molian when they first came to the palace, and they were still sitting together .

Could it be that the agreement Cang Molian just mentioned has something to do with these two people?
Soon, the nobleman's guess was confirmed, Cang Molian lifted her thin lips, and said in a calm voice, "You are here."

Baili Qinxue and Dugu Sheng nodded, and said, "Since it is the invitation of President Cang, why don't we come?"

Cang Molian nodded, and then looked back.

This is really the case...

The nobleman was stunned, his head was a little dizzy, who are these two ordinary-looking men and women, how could they be so favored by Cang Molian, and they came here to watch the fun, or to compete?

He remembered that the ordinary woman seemed to be a rookie in refining medicine. Could it be that the ordinary man would?

After thinking about it, he looked Dugu Sheng up and down, his eyes full of doubts.

Seeing his strange expression, Dugu Sheng couldn't help being a little unhappy.

After a few glances, the nobleman withdrew his gaze. He looked at Cang Molian and said, "President Cang, I have prepared a good seat for you, follow me."


(End of this chapter)

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